ii. Mobius Strip.

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"Vina, do you mind getting it for me?" Izeta yelled in her native language, Izeta had taught Sylvina Sokovian when she was just a one-year-old, switching between English, Sokovian and, Greek.

"I'm already going, mommy!" Sylvina replied, she ran down the stairs, before using her magic to unlock the door and open it.

Sylvina looked in front of her to see two familiar people, Natasha and Steve. Plus, an unfamiliar man behind them, who looked amazed as he looked at the front of the house.

"Mama! It's Lovie and Deda." Sylvina yelled through the house, Izeta's head snapped up as she walked her way through her house. "—And another unknown man!"

That's what made Izeta's expression turn from happy to bitter, as her lip snarled up. She grit her teeth as she walked down the stairs, watching as her daughter greeted her mother and father figure. Lovie and Deda for Sylvina, there was no explanation for Natasha's nickname, Vina had just started calling her that. And for Steve, it was grandfather in Sokovian.

Izeta walked towards the door and picked her daughter up, as she fake smiled towards the three people in front of her. It wasn't like she didn't like them visiting her, it happened frequently. But, Izeta knew once she spotted the man behind them. They were here to ask something of her. Asking if she would help bring them back.

        "We need your help." Steve spoke out, "No, thanks." Izeta replied shortly, closing the door. Only for Steve to slide his foot between the door and the lock.

           "I'm not helping, end of story. Now, I have things to do so if you don't mind . . ." Izeta trailed off, shoo'ing her daughter upstairs.

𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥, Bucky Barnes ➸ Sam Wilson Where stories live. Discover now