chapter sixteen

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"I DON'T KNOW WHAT I SHOULD wear! How are you supposed to dress for these things? Do I dress cool or just comfy? Or maybe I should dress like a fuckboy?" I listened to Felix stressing over what he would wear for the party on FaceTime.

I shook my head and laughed at him."Frecks, just wear what you would normally wear. It's just a high school party, not prom." I put my phone on my desk, propped up against my water bottle. I faced my closet and started looking through my clothes, trying to decide what I should wear. I picked up two t-shirts and put them against my body. I called Felix to get his attention.

"With the black skirt you're wearing now?" He asked. I nodded my head, waiting for his answer. "Mhmm, go with the plain white one, but put on a vest. It could totally happen that someone spills their drink on you and then see through the white shirt. With a vest, you could zip it and hide your ruined shirt."

I put my other shirt back in the closet and laughed before answering. "I think you watch too many cliché high school movies Lix. Chan said it's gonna be us, his gang, and only a couple of other people. Maybe like forty. Plus, I'm sure it won't be like in the movies."

"FORTY?" Felix yelled. "That's a lot of peo- Wait hold on, be right back." With that, he quickly ran out of his room, leaving his phone standing up against whatever was holding it.

I started going through my shoes while humming to Love Talk by WayV. I decided to pick the classic dirty converse shoes since it matches most outfits. A few minutes went by and there were still no signs of Felix. I decided to quickly change my shirt.

I pulled the shirt I was wearing over my head, throwing it on the ground. I ran to my dresser after remembering I wasn't wearing a bra today. I grabbed the first one I saw and quickly put it on. I walked back to my bed, picking up the plain white t-shirt my best friend chose for me. While I was getting ready to put it on, I heard a noise coming up from my phone. I turned around just to see Felix standing there.

"FELIX!" I yelled as I quickly threw my shirt on and pulled it down the faster as I could. "Why didn't you make any noise or said something that you were back?"

"I did. I threw a ball across my room and it hit the wall." He shrugged, looking unbothered.

"What did you see?" I asked.

He shrugged again. "Just you standing there and putting your shirt on. That's it"

I sighed in relief knowing he didn't see me run around my room braless. Even if we're really close, it's one thing to have him stay over sometimes and see me walking around my house with an oversized shirt on, no pants, and no bra. However, it's another thing for him to actually see me.

"When are you coming over?" I asked him as I picked up my phone to bring him with me to the bathroom.

"In a minute. I'll just finish packing my bag and then I'll come." I nodded my head and set my phone against the cabinet. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before putting on light mascara and some lipgloss.

"Down or up?" I held my hair up in a ponytail for a few seconds before dropping it back down. "Down." He replied. "Ok, I'm coming now, I'll see you in a bit." I waved at him bye before I hung up.

I brushed my hair and fixed it, taking a last glance at the mirror in front of me before walking out of the bathroom. I was just about to walk into my room when Seokjin called out for Bangchan and I. Chan opened his door and both of us walked into our parents' bedroom.

"We're about to leave for a few days," Seokjin said as he closed his suitcase. "Remember to do your chores before you guys do anything else. Please don't burn the house down."

My mom walked into the room and grabbed her suitcase too. "Felix is here. You three behave." She came up to us and gave both Chan and me a hug. When she moved out, I saw Felix standing there with his arms open, waiting for my mom to give him a hug too. What a cutie.

The two adults walked out of the bedroom to the front door and we all followed them to say our goodbyes. "Remember, we need this place for shelter." My mom said before closing the door.

I sighed and turned, seeing Chan kidnapping Felix to his room. "Well, hello to you too," I called out.

"I just talked to you, I need a break." Felix joked back. I just laughed and went back to my room, waiting for the two to tell me when we would leave.



Bangchan pulled up to Jackson's big house. There were tons of cars parked down the street.

"Before we go in," Chan started. "Rules."

Felix and I both groaned and rolled our eyes. "Don't take drinks from strangers. Do not leave the house. Keep your ringers on in case I can't find either of you. Try to stay together, okay? Hang out with whoever you want, but if you decide to go outside, just let one of us know, so if something happens, we'll know where to find you. Don't get too wild."

"So we can drink?" I crossed my arms and raised my brows up to the way too-attractive guy standing in front of me. He shrugged. "I mean, it's a party. Just don't overdose, you know."

"Christopher!" We all looked in the direction of the house and came a guy I didn't know. "Glad you're finally here, dude." Chan's friend punched his shoulder and took a sip of his drink. "See you brought the young ones too." He said as he looked at us.

The unknown guy had blue hair with a little bit of green and it was wavy. His hair looked so damaged it was painful to see. I wonder how many times he died it to make it look dead. "Yeah I did" Chan chuckled. "And Yeonjun, you're like only one year older than them"

"Shhhhh. Anyways, the others are inside. Let's go!" Yeonjun turned towards the house and began to walk inside. Chan's hand traveled from the top of my back to the bottom and dragged his hand on my waist before leaving and joining Yeonjun. I was about to follow when Felix took my wrist, stopping me.

"Let's stick together, yeah mate?" His eyes were bigger than his face as he looked back and forth between me and the house we were about to enter. I chucked and nodded, slowly pulling him with me to go inside.

1152 words.

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