chapter twenty

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WHEN Y/N WOKE UP THE NEXT morning, she was alone. Her door was closed and she was sleeping in the middle of her bed.

My head hurt like hell. What a terrible headache. I slowly got up, but my head just hurts more. I got up by using the wall for my balance and made my way to the bathroom.

I was feeling so terrible.

I looked at myself in the mirror and, oh man, I could have been cast for a horror movie. The zombie role in all of us are dead would have perfectly fitted me at the moment.

I still took the time to wash my face, brush my hair, and brush my teeth. I wasn't hungry for breakfast today. I was about to head downstairs when someone called my name. I turned around to see Bangchan heading out of his room and rushing towards me with a worried expression.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

I nodded even tho it wasn't the case

We looked at each other for a second before he asked hesitantly "Do you.... remember ... yesterday..?"

I zoned out, trying to recall the blurry memories of what happened yesterday.

I remember dancing on the top of a car with Jisung yelling at me and then making me fall. I remember staying on the ground with him and he then helped me to make my way back to the house.

After this, everything became blurred and confused in my head. "Not really... Why?"

He sighed in what seemed like frustration. He calmly asked again "Are you sure you don't remember?"

I looked distant so Chan took me by the arm softly and dragged me to my room. "Do you still not remember?"

The second I looked at him in the room we were in, capsules of memories went flashing back one by one in my head.

"I... remember.." I said looking away from him.

His finger gently placed itself under my chin and he turned my head to make me look into his dark brown eyes.

"Did you mean it? Or what is it just the influence of the alcohol you took?"

I took a deep breath before finally affirming what has been in my heart for some while. "I meant that. All of it."

He smiled. He had the cutest smile on his face. The dimples showing themselves.

"I know that this may not be the right timing or even the right place but..."

I looked at him and nodded, waiting for his next words, full of excitement.

"Y/n, I really love you, I never imagined that the alcohol would have ended up on you telling your feelings, but I'm here to reciprocate them. So today I want to ask you; Will you be my girlfriend y/n?" He said fidgeting with his fingers.

He looked ready for disappointment and rejection, but I already knew my answer. As a matter of fact, I knew it for a long time and I didn't even need to think.

"Yes. Yes, Chan, I'll be your girlfriend."

We both smiled and I felt my eyes get teary. I don't know why tho, it just did. Bangchan, my boyfriend, noticed my teary eyes. "Aw baby, don't cry,"

He opened his arms and waited for a hug.

I playfully looked at him and instead of hugging him back, I jumped on my bed and hugged it instead. "This is so comfortable," I said giggling.

"Hey!" He exclaimed before running to the bed too and jumping on it.

He got on top of me and said "You'll regret it!!". The second he finished his sentence, he started ticking me. I started laughing as crazy and again, tears came out of my eyes. "Bangchan stop!" I barely said between laughs. He dropped himself on top of me and I made him roll to the other side of the bed, but he ended up falling off.

"Ouch," He mumbled.

I quickly rolled over to check on him and when I did, he took my arm and made me drop on him.

We stayed like this, in that hug position for a while, until I got up and looked out from the window.

It was the end of autumn and the leaves were on the ground. Bangchan got up and looked out outside beside me.

"What are you thinking?" He asked looking at me.

The sun outside, despite the cold weather, was shining.

"I'm happy," I said in all honesty.

He scoffed, but in a good way, and turned back to look outside the window with a smile.

I looked at him with hearts in my eyes and smiled.

I never thought I would be one to live in a fairytale with the perfect boyfriend. I grew up and lived a hard life, making me lose faith in a ton of things. I never believed in all of that true love and soulmate thing. I believed that humans would just meet each other and then move on. Everyone you met would just become a ghost of your past that would you eventually forget about. I grew up where people would just break their significant other's heart and then leave like it was nothing, where people would often betray each other as if it was a simple and normal thing. Maybe that was the reason for my mindset. Maybe if I never met him, I would have ended up like all of those broken people. The way I see it at the current moment is that life threw me a lot of obstacles throughout my life and to reward me for surviving through it, they made Bangchan and I's path met. I can finally understand the meaning of things such as "soulmate", "fate" and "true love". That's what he was, he was my soulmate. Someone I could imagine my future with. That's just the way I felt, and I knew that for once, I was right.

When I looked at him one more time before looking away, I told myself that I might have just found the cause of my euphoria.


1001 words

You are the cause of my euphoria Christopher Bang.

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