chapter three

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"Fucking piece of shit shut up" you groaned.


"Oh my god, I'M GETTING UP" I yelled at my phone while stopping the alarm. I really need to change my ringtone, ugh.

I got up and when I remembered that I had school... "Ah hell nah, I'm getting back to bed," I said while jumping back into it.

My lazy ass stayed here for another 15 minutes until someone knocked at my door. I was then half-asleep and just said "what?" in my morning voice.

Someone opened to door, "If I were you I would move my ass and get ready, the bus is coming in 30 mins."

The second I heard that I jumped out of my bed and ran out of my room, but an arm pulled me back. I looked at the person that was actually Chan and asked what was wrong. "I think you'd like to dress up more before eating breakfast, don't you think?"

Confused I looked at my outfit and realized I was still in my bra. I looked at him, frozen in place, and he looked at me. Well, it was me but not my face. (If yk what i mean) It took me a second to comprehend what happened before I yelled "HEY STOP STARING YOU, UGLY PERVERT".

I slammed the door in his face, took a random shirt from my drawer, and ran out of my room. "I'm sorry I panicked, I didn't mean to call you ugly," I said, looking at chan.

"Forgiven. You can just agree that I'm hot instead"

"As if I would" You scoffed.

Yea you're kinda hot...

We both went to the 1st floor to eat the breakfast that my mom prepared for us. Pancakes! "Oh my god! Thanks, mom! I love pancakes,"

I was about to ask for my fourth one when my mom refused and said that there were only 10 minutes left and I should hurry up to not miss the bus. 

In 7 minutes I made the biggest achievement of my life. I finished brushing my teeth, putting on some makeup, and styling my hair. All that in only seven minutes. "I should be in the world record with this," I thought to myself.

Now I had to put my uniform on. What I had was a grey skirt, a white buttoned long sleeves shirt, three black different-height socks and a red ribbon to put. I went to Chan's room and asked if the ribbon and the socks were a necessary part of the uniform to use and he said yes.

-one of the uniforms for girls

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-one of the uniforms for girls

I put on all my clothes and realized that the skirt was too small for me. It fit, but it was really limited. I decided to deal with it and would ask my mom to buy bigger skirts later. I took my backpack and kissed my mom goodbye. I was about to head out when she called my name. I automatically said "Don't say anything about the skirt, I know"
"Just stay safe, we don't know what the guys there are like" "Mooommm!!" I sighed before leaving.

Bangchan was waiting for you outside. When he saw you his eyes widened and he said "You know, this skirt size might be too small for you"

You two started walking towards the bus stop. "Yea well if YOU had bought me a bigger size, maybe it would fit" you rolled your eyes.

"Oh well, I'm not sorry princess. Mini skirts are pleasant for the eyesight" he smirked.

Again, butterflies from the pet name... I gotta play it off

"Are you checking me out, bangchan? And what's the idea of buying an EXTRA-SMALL??"

"I thought I already said to call me Chan or Chris?" He scoffed while pointing at the bus stop, signaling that we were nearly here.

"And what if I don't, bangchan?" you laughed.

"Then I'll make you say it" chan whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

You two continued to walk in silence until you reached the bus stop. Once there, Chan left you to see someone else that was there. A tall guy with also blonde hair that stopped just before the shoulders.

You looked to see if you could see Jungkook, but he wasn't there. You felt kinda sad caused you hoped to sit with him for the ride.

The bus eventually came and everybody took place. You were sitting alone but then someone came to you and asked if they could sit with you. You looked up and saw jungkook. Your smile grew big. "Jungkook! I'm so happy to see you. Of course, you can sit with me." you say while removing your bag beside you to put it between your legs.

You didn't see chan glaring at you too.

"I thought I was gonna sit alone. Why were you late?" you asked. "I forgot to put an alarm so I woke up like 13 minutes before..." he answered.

-you two talked and let's make a time skip to where you enter the cafeteria with jungkook bc I don't wanna write a whole conversation lol-

You two entered the cafeteria and you followed jungkook toward the lockers. "Um jungkook, how does the lockers system works? Like do we just choose one or the school gives us one?"
"They give us one, follow me, and I'll show you where to go"

He guides you around the area of the lockers and stops in front of a little table where a middle-aged guy is sitting. "Hey Jungkook, woah you gained muscles since the last time I saw you. At this rate you'll be stronger than me" the guy joked. "Anyways, this paper is your locker's number and this is your lock's combination," he explained. Mister. Archambault then turned towards you and gave you a paper "Same goes for you, have a great day miss." he last said before speaking with other students.

Jungkook took your hand and pulled you beside him. "Show me your paper, and we'll see where are our lockers," he said.

You looked at the one you had. "I'm number 523, what's yours?" you said while looking at his. "Awn man you got 567, I guess we're not close..." you sighed.

He spotted your locker and helped you put your things inside. "Hey, I never asked you y/n but, do you got any friends here besides me?"

"Yea, I got Felix, Lee felix, Yongbok, or whatever you call him. You know him?" you said. "Oh, yea. I know the guy! He's really nice. Okay well, I got to go and find someone before classes start, is it okay if I leave you?" he asked a bit worried. "Of course, no worries! I know how to head back to the cafeteria"
"See ya later then!" "Bye jungkook!"

You were now left alone. You took your phone out and texted Felix, wondering where jungkook went.

Lix 🐣

Hey lix, are u at school??

Yep, where are u now?
I'm waiting for u at the cafeteria with
seungmin 🐶🐶🐶

I'm heading there
What table are u guys sitting at?

The third one to the right

OK, see u there in like 5 seconds👀

Seen 9:10

Okeayh leits goe
1226 words

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