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billie couldn't believe her eyes. this place was not what she had imagined at all. the blond had thought this was going to be a dark room, or maybe a cell. but no, she has a whole bedroom.

after last night she was fast to fall asleep on the bed. the bed was softer than any bed she had laid on. back home before her father forced her to marry henry, her bed was nice. not so soft but it did the job.

looking through her closet in the morning, she had realized that most of the clothes were tight, revealing clothes.

which is what she expected, it wasn't like she just sold her body and expected to wear big hoodies all day.

after putting on a small black dress, billie decided to only do some light makeup. her tour guide was supposed to come get her at 11 o'clock. which was only an hour from now.

but she got her makeup done quickly, leaving her hair loose on her shoulders. billie wasn't going to lie, she felt nervous.

maybe more now because this was going to be a person she had never met before. but she suck it in, and waited for them to come.

the time went by too quickly she thought, noticing it was almost eleven. billie had no idea of what this place really could look like. although it did look immaculate so far.

with a knock on her door she almost jumps, taking a deep breath through her nose and out her mouth. billie swallows hard, before walking up to open the door.

when she open the door, she was met by a girl the same height as her. the girl's hair was black, and she was very slim.

there was a small smile on her lips, as she took her hand out for billie. "hi, i'm harley" her friendly tone made billie smile, as she took her hand.

"i'm billie" harley didn't say anything more than a smile, before she walk into billie's room. billie herself felt a little surprised by this, and was glad her room wasn't a mess.

"did malice make you sign the NDA?" she asks, pulling out a paper from her black purse. the only thing that wasn't black about her was her red dress.

"i believe so, she gave me the contract at least?" harley only smiled, putting the paper back in her purse.

"that's great, how about we chat while i show you around?" billie only nods her head, before the girls make their way out of billie's room.

they first walk down the hall, so billie could see all the rooms. "you were actually quite lucky, you got one of the two best rooms. i have the other one, of course" harley giggles, as they walk.

"these rooms are the other girls' rooms, i don't really like them. they always try to take malice away from me" billie raised an eyebrow.

"take her away from you?" harley gave her a smile, billie wasn't going to lie, harley was sexy and she wouldn't mind if harley wanted to take her to bed.

"like if we're having sex they come in and whine about not getting touched, but it's not my fault she likes me better. you know what i mean?"

"yeah i get you" billie nods her head, following harley through the hall. they end up on a balcony, giving them a view of the forest.

"i never get over how beautiful this place is," harley mumbles, "it truly is beautiful," billie mumbles back, their shoulders slightly touching.

"do you stay here full time?" billie asks after a moment of silence, down on the grass you could see the beginning of the pool which showed her how big it actually was.

"yeah, it's quite nice. what about you? are you going to stay here full time?" harley turns her head to billie, giving her a smile.

"i don't know, probably not. i have a husband i have to get home to, although i'd rather just stay here"

haley chuckles. "a husband?"

"my parents forced me, i never liked him. i guess my dad just couldn't except the fact that i was a lesbian, and if i'm honest with you i really hate him."

"your dad or your husband?" harley takes her hand in billie's, giving it a light squeeze. "both, especially my husband"

"you know you could ask malice to take care of that right? then he wouldn't be your problem anymore"

billie shook her head, "yeah i don't know, should we continue with the tour?"

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