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"that was a good taco, i've never been here before," billie says, finishing up her second taco. they had only driven 30 minutes away from billie's house, and the blond didn't even know about this place.

malice smirks, taking a bite of her taco. they were parked in a dark parking lot, billie figured that must be so malice doesn't get recognized.

billie scrunches the paper into a ball, before putting it in an empty bag. she leans back against the car seat, letting a sigh come out of her.

she listens to the music on the radio, waiting for malice to speak up. meeting her had actually been nice. or at least nicer than what she expected.

malice puts her trash away, drying her hands with tissue paper. she pulls out a bag from the backseat, billie can't help but wonder what is inside it.

it becomes clear to her that it's actually a backpack. the backpack is black, with some gold letters on the front.

the brunette pulls out a white sheet of paper, handing it over to billie. billie takes it, reading the letters "sell your soul to me" at the top.

"there you have the terms and conditions, read through it and if you change your mind just let me know"

billie swallows hard, looking over at malice again. "what will happen if i change my mind?" but malice only smiled at her, making billie's palms sweaty again.

her eyes scan the paper, biting on her lips nervously. in the paper it says that no harm will come to her, she will get fed, and everything she will ever need.

billie can herself choose when she wants to come over, but she has to be there at least 2 weeks a month.

malice can do whatever she wants to do to billie's body in a sexual setting, any time she wants. and billie has to participate.

on the backside of the paper is the NDA, which billie knows she has to sign any way. she glazed back at malice, finding a smirk on her lips, a pen in her hand. billie swallows hard, looking down at the paper again.

"if i sign this, how long will it be valid?" malice smirks, biting her lip. billie didn't know if she was really about to do this, but this could be her only way out.

"until i say it's not" the blond nods her head, looking down at the paper again, making sure there isn't something she has missed.

"if i sign this" billie lets out a breath, "can you give me $500 and i you can come pick me up on monday?"

she doesn't look up at the brunette beside her for once, keeping her eyes glued on to the paper. "that's a lot of money baby"

"i know, it's just" she turns her head back to malice, "my husband, he used all our money on drinks and if we don't pay $500 by the end of the week we'll get kicked out"

malice's tongue licks her lips, "how old are you again pretty?" the blond lets out a sigh, looking into her green eyes.

"i'm 20" the brunette nods her head, giving billie a small smile. "does your husband know you're doing this?"

billie shook her head, looking at the pen in the taller woman's hand. she wasn't sure how she was going to tell henry about this.

"very well, sign the contract and i'll give you the money and pick you up on monday. on one condition"

billie nods her head, taking her eyes back to the contract. some part of her couldn't believe she was actually about to do this.

"look at me when i talk to you billie" her head snaps back to malice, swallowing hard. she was normally good at keeping eye contact, but now she wasn't sure anymore.

"you turn your location on for me, so i can make sure this isn't some trick of yours" one of malice's hands wrap around her throat, choking her slightly.

"and you're going to send me pictures of that pretty little body of yours every night, understood?" billie lets out a short breath, feeling the hand around her throat tighten.

"understood" she whispers, watching a satisfied smirk appear on the brunette's lips. without saying anything, she unwraps her hand around her neck.

billie breathes out, letting out a small cough. the blond shakes her head, biting her lip when malice hands her the pen.

and before she can think, she signs the contract.

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