Many Faces with One Name

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"I'll take it from here, okay? I'm with KSODTEW, and they've ordered I return this platoon to whence they came." Ijin wordlessly allowed the mysterious woman with a satanic mask to take the men he rescued away, but for some reason her dark black hair in messy pigtails stuck in his head after he viewed them and followed to make sure she kept her word, his crash course on life in Korea coming soon after when they realized where he was actually from. The leader of the platoon determined to send him home as the mysterious woman watched until leaving, to get her new assignment from her boss which was surprisingly to follow the boy to Korea and live her life freely until they needed her next for burst (short) missions, sending her home on the same plane as Ijin.

"I haven't been home since they discarded me like garbage...." she walked from the airport to where her home was and still untouched due to her boss's help, walking into the empty apartment which used to hold terrible memories...of days she was forced to survive through whether she wanted to or not, opening the door to her room where she collapsed on her fluffy bed which was covered in sheets and a comforter with a single pillow. "Home sweet home." She muffled into the pillow while turning to breathe after and gazing at the ceiling which held only one remnant of her past, glowing stick on stars that her father helped her stick on when she said she wanted a unique night light, the act itself the only nice thing that monster ever did for her along with the other monster who raised her. "I should take them down when I get the time."

Her eyes gradually closed as she fell asleep in her disguise which hadn't changed for the last ten years, making even her forget what she once looked like...but she didn't mind because she always thought her true appearance was monstrous, having inherited her mother's facial structure and her father's hair and eye color, two people she wished she could forget at any cost even if it meant changing herself so she wouldn't be reminded of them. Her skills in disguise helping after she was abandoned and earning her the nickname "One Million Faces", becoming the leading figure in disguise and disguise espionage along with field battle disguise espionage, two very difficult type of spy specialty areas to master that she only took three to make it look as easy as basketball.

"...hmmmm....too...early..." she groaned four hours later when she realized it was time to prepare a disguise for school, stretching in bed and getting up to carefully craft her disguise which really only took five minutes,

" she groaned four hours later when she realized it was time to prepare a disguise for school, stretching in bed and getting up to carefully craft her disguise which really only took five minutes,

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"Time to head to school, though when that rich girl comes back...she'll no doubt ask me to help her again." A groan left as when remembering how much her cousin wanted her dead despite being older and having less time to live, only coveting the things her cousin would receive due to actually capturing and receiving their grandfather's attention, having tried herself but received none her whole life. "Nice to meet you, I hope we all get along. My name is Ji-ah Bu Yang, pleased to make your acquaintance."

Dayeon was in shock at her beauty along with her bully who saw her as another obstacle to being queen bee of the school, Huijin's anxiety only disappearing when she saw how Jiah just wanted a quiet school life and immediately put her headphones on, only keeping one off her ear so she could hear her teachers but ignoring everyone else. Voluntarily becoming a loner when she had to bully Dayeon into one because she wanted to and felt she needed to for her self-esteem, which rose when seeing Jiah self isolate herself on purpose which made her like her personality and actually try to get along with her in earnest, though she only talked to Huijin to be polite. "Your name is Dayeon, right?" She suddenly introduced herself to the bullied girl, "My name is Jiah, would you like to do a D&D campaign with me sometime? It'll be fun I promise!"

Her friendly introduction left the now loner girl speechless and making her forget that her brother returned after so long, her introduction also staving off Huijin's usual harassment of her because the blonde bully wanted to get to know Jiah, instead bullying her usual target at the recycling area by kicking her into the cans and verbally abusing her. The treatment a more child friendly version of what Jiah's parents did to her when growing up because of her so called "mistakes", her judgment becoming warped as she grew up but ultimately saving her back in her war torn childhood home, "What are you doing, Huijin?" She politely asked as the blonde teen froze while downplaying Dayeon's shaken state which reminded Jiah of her broken home, escorting the confidence compromised teen away while giving Dayeon a chance to escape, her ruffled clothes arousing suspicion from her brother until she pointed Jiah out in the crowd after school.

"Jiah! Hey, Jiah!" She called her over and she smiled while walking toward them, "I'm so glad you're okay, Dayeon. Compromised teens like her are the reason therapists roll their eyes in disappointment." The joke made her laugh as Ijin watched the headphone wearing girl with amusement dancing in his usually dull eyes, "You're her brother right? My name is Jiah Bu Yang, you can call me Jian or Jiah if you'd like." Her phone rang and she bid them goodbye cheerfully, "That would be my role-playing friends, we've got a campaign ongoing now but you can join the next one Dayeon! Bye!" She ran off and left them in the dust but her false endearing charm left Ijin pulled toward her, already wishing he could see her again as she left.
A Half Hour Later

"I'm in position zir."

Speaking through my phone, my work disguise kept me nice and cozy as I recorded Ijin's fight against the two goons Huijin dragged around, their demeanor clearly revealing just how bumpkis they were at fighting with their only real skill being inti...

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Speaking through my phone, my work disguise kept me nice and cozy as I recorded Ijin's fight against the two goons Huijin dragged around, their demeanor clearly revealing just how bumpkis they were at fighting with their only real skill being intimidation by the heavy weight, and imposing style of which was pretty lame...yeah they were beefy losers.

"He's not that bad despite being a tad rusty. Are you sure you want me to keep watching him, zir?" My boss ignored my question and told me to keep watching him, "Try and get close with his sister. He's protective of her so it should be lucrative if you stay beside her." My eyes glowered in slight annoyance at the though of needlessly involving myself with a person again, my issues with trust always apparent given my occupation but I reluctantly responded to the order with a positive noise, finishing my recording of the fight and heading back to my empty house. Plopping on the couch after flipping the lights on and locking the door, ".....should I get a pet?...."
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