Day six (1)

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I wake up because Harry slams the door of the van shut after he got outside. I groan loudly and roll around, hiding my face in the pillow and try to fall asleep again.

It doesn’t work. After about five minutes, he comes back from the toilets and I glare at him angrily when he enters again. “I regret having asked you already”, I say.

“I really tried to hold it in for about half an hour but I needed a fucking wee”, he says and checks in the front to see if both his backpack and his bag are still there.

“I can make breakfast as an apology or something.”


He rolls his eyes and nods before disappearing out of the front door. I listen to him preparing breakfast for a bit, not bothering to help him.

I text Zayn for a bit, telling him about Harry and he doesn’t even react shocked because apparently, he really can’t be a murderer when he draws into a journal. We text back and forth for a while before Harry knocks on the door so loudly I nearly jump and hit my head on the ceiling.

“Asshole”, I grumble when climbing out of the car, “You could’ve told me nicely.”

Harry just smiles, what bugs me even more and points to the table next to which he placed one chair and one bucket, he got from wherever.

“Stop smiling like that, it’s really fucking annoying”, I say and sit down at the table. He even got rolls from the kiosk of the campsite so I stop complaining because this is a little bit nice.

“See”, he says with a smile, “Not that bad after all, is it?”

I shake my head with an eye roll because it really bothers me, I have to admit that. Why is he always in a good mood anyways? It’s so, so annoying.

“Are you ever in a bad mood?”, I ask, cutting the roll.

He shrugs. “Of course. I was in a bad mood a lot on this trip already.”

“No, but do you show it? Like really shout or yell or get angry?”

He shrugs. “Not often, no. Only when someone really fucking bothers me. Yeah, then I shout. When I get mad you know it’s bad.”

“That’s kind of really scary. I should do that, too. Only get mad if it’s bad but then really fucking mad.”

He shakes his head. “Won’t work. No one would take you seriously. It’s more amusing than scary to watch you curse.”

I don’t answer anymore because he always somehow knows to say exactly what I don’t want him to say and we stay quiet while eating until he asks me what our plans for today are.

“Okay, I was thinking, one full day at the river, you can swim in it as well, then continue. There are still a few cities, an amusement park and a bit of nature left that I want to see before we arrive at the coast.”

He nods. “Sounds like a good plan. When will we be at the coast?”

I shrug. “Probably a little less than ten days. Why, where exactly does your friend live?”

He stares at his plate for a bit. “Somewhere at the coast.”

“You don’t know where your friend, you so desperately need to see, lives?”

He just shrugs. “It doesn’t matter, does it? I’m just happy if we get there.”

I raise an eyebrow but let it go because of the way his face dropped when I spoke about it again. It does come across a bit weird but I’m not going to question it any further. I don’t need to have some deep relationship where we talk about all our problems with him.

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