Day nineteen

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I’m being awoken by Harry, as nearly every morning on this trip, but this time, it feels nice. I am not angry for him but relax into his hand brushing through my hair as a smile spreads across my face.

“Morning”, Harry whispers, voice deeper than during the day, “Slept well? Sorry for waking you, but it’s ten and we need to be out of here in an hour. Plus, I still wanted to get some breakfast, so-“

“Stop rambling”, I interrupt him with a smile on his face and open my eyes to pull him down for a short kiss.

“Sorry”, he whispers as he pulls away from the kiss, “Just trying to be a bit less annoying, you know? Let you sleep in and stuff. Messed up this trip enough already.”

I roll my eyes and snuggle closer to him, wrapping my arms around his upper body. “Stop with that. I mean, yes, your sleep schedule is very much weird, but that doesn’t mean I kind of love being woken up from you.”

“If it’s done nicely”, I quickly add, “None of that repeating my name a thousand times or poking my face with your finger.”

He laughs. “I can kind of understand that, yes.”

He then leans down and kisses all over my face, brushing over my arm with the tip of his fingers carefully. “So, like that is better?”

I nod. “Yes. Most definitely.”

He laughs again and tries to pull me up so we’re both leaning against the headboard. After a few more minutes of trying to wake up completely, we head to the bathroom to brush teeth, smiling at each other in the mirror, get changed and fix our hair.

When we’re done, we once again walk down the carpeted hallway into the direction of the dining room. We choose all kinds of stuff from the buffet, finally using the chance for a proper breakfast.

“I want this table”, Harry says and points to a small, round table right at the window, “It looks cosy.”

I smile and nod while following him to the table and sitting down across form him. We start eating in silence. I take a bite from my scone but end up spreading jam over my face what makes Harry laugh and pull out his phone to snap a picture right before I have the chance to wipe it away.

“Cute”, he says and smiles fondly at the picture before showing it to me. I certainly don’t look cute but my lips are opened for a small chuckle and my eyes are shining a little and I definitely do look very happy.

I bump my foot into his under the table ‘I like you’, it says, and so many more words of affection I’m bad at, before continuing to eat.

We finish breakfast a few hours before we need to clear the room so we head straight back to get our bag and jackets.

“Okay, ready to hit the road again?”, Harry asks, hugging me from behind to press a kiss to my temple. I smile and blush a little before nodding.

“Yes. Let’s go.” I take his hand, a little hesitant at first but he presses it twice as if he wanted to support the decision.

We return back to the van and I sit down on the driver’s seat, putting my phone back into the holder to look at the map. We’re not far from home now, but there’s still two more days we can spend in the van, so we won’t be driving far today.

“Where are we headed to?”, Harry asks and turns the music a little quieter.

I shrug and start the engine, driving out of the small parking lot. “Find a spot at the sea to stay at? I really don’t feel like driving much today. Oh, and we could also stop at a grocery shop again to get something for lunch or dinner.”

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