Day nine

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It was late when we found a small parking lot at the side of a road in the middle of nowhere to stay at yesterday. We were both extremely tired and fell asleep immediately.

When I wake up the next morning, it’s still rather early, but there’s a really annoying bird that keeps squawking loudly.

I yawn and rub my eyes before trying to open them carefully. There’s way too much sunlight already and for some reason, it seems to shine right into my eyes.

I look over at Harry first. He’s still asleep, eyes squeezed shut, frowning slightly in his sleep. His curls are falling into his forehead messily.

I smile and reach for my phone. Zayn sent me a drunken selfie of him pressing a kiss to Liam’s cheek in some club and I smile before checking a message from mum, asking if everything is going to plan.

I didn’t tell my parents about Harry, obviously, because they’d for sure lecture me on how they told me from a young age on that you don’t take strangers with you or go with them. I just send back a thumbs up emoji because I don’t want to make up stories and lie to her, but I won’t worry her by telling the truth either.

I know how stupid and naive the whole thing was. In the beginning, it was meant to be a two-hour drive. I don’t really know what exactly had gotten into me when I asked him to do the whole trip with me that day. It’s not like I regret it though, not at all.

Harry starts moving next to me, opening his eyes with a small pout on his lips, smiling at me softly with just on eye opened slightly.

“Morning”, he whispers, voice horse, “Think I was really tired last night.”

“Good morning”, I say, trying to contain my smile, “Think so too. It’s ten by now. Ever slept that long in your whole life?”

He nods and completely opens his eyes now, sitting up slowly. “Yeah. After new years eve, probably.”

I laugh and he chuckles quietly before taking the hair tie from his wrist to tie his hair up in a rather messy bun.

“So, scary rollercoasters and sticky cotton candy today?”

I laugh and nod. “Exactly what I was planning to do, yes.”

Harry leans over a bit to open the door of the van slightly and sighs when there’s some fresh but cold air streaming inside. “Alright, if you insist.”

He takes two chocolate bars out of the side of his bag and hands me one before opening the other for himself. We don’t eat real breakfast everyday, it’s way too much effort to get all the things from the back and having to clean the plates and bowls afterwards.

Harry packed ridiculously many energy and chocolate bars, I suppose he planned surviving mostly on those during this trip, so that’s what we now eat most of the mornings.

“I used to hate rollercoasters”, Harry says and slips a hoodie over his pyjama shirt, “Until I was like sixteen, I was so afraid on going onto one. Then my friends basically forced me with them and surprisingly, it was fun.”

I laugh and crumble up the wrapping paper of the bar and stuff it into the pocket of a jacket that’s laying on the floor. It’s so messy in the van already, I’m not sure how were supposed to survive another two weeks in this chaos.

As if Harry read my thoughts, he points to the floor on which we collected trash, unfinished apples, clothes and books.

“This looks extremely bad. For the little space we have, we already managed to make the biggest mess possible. Can we please clean up a little before we continue driving?”

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