Day eight

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It’s already mid-day when we leave the auto grill again the next day. It took us a bit to fall asleep yesterday and we slept in rather long. After eating ice cream for breakfast and getting dressed in the public restrooms, we finally got back into the van.

Harry is chewing on some pink bubble gum, hair tied into a messy bun, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of ‘Come as you are’.

He turns to look at me and smiles softly before concentrating on the road again. We planned to visit a small city on the way today before we’ll arrive at the amusement park tomorrow.

“Okay, I don’t know how much money exactly you have with you, but can we please go eat at a restaurant today?”, Harry says and pouts rather cutely what makes me smile, “Before eating another of those disgusting sandwiches, I’d rather starve.”

I laugh quietly. “Don’t want you starving. We’ll search for something cheap then, should we?”

He nods with a small smile and a dimple in his cheek and keeps humming along to the song. I’m just really happy in that moment about how everything turned out.

“Why you smiling like that?”, he asks and looks over at me with a grin.

“Just glad you’re not annoying me for once.”

He rolls his eyes and laughs. “I’m bored. Wanna play twenty-one questions?”

“Is this that game where you have to reveal really embarrassing stuff about yourself?”

“I mean, maybe, yes. Depending on what I ask you.”

I roll my eyes and put my feet on the headboard. “Okay. Then go ahead, ask. But you need to answer the question you asked as well.”

“Alright, um, what would you eat if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life?”

“That’s a shit question, Harry. It’s super unrealistic, too. Why would I eat only one thing for the rest of my life?”

“Louis, you idiot. That is not the point of the game. Just answer it theoretically. Like, maybe the shops would close and you could only shop one thing anymore.”

“That makes absolutely no sense either. Why wouldn’t I just buy several stuff?”

Harry scoffs loudly and takes an exit after having a short look at the map on my phone. “You know what, it really is impossible to play games with you. We never played for more than two rounds because you turn everything into an unnecessary discussion.”

“You suck, I want to have unnecessary discussions. That’s so much more fun than answering cliché questions.”

He rolls his eyes and nods. “Okay. Let’s just not play games anymore.” I laugh at his annoyed face and turn on the music again, singing along to Artic Monkeys.

We arrive about an hour later and park the car a bit further from the city centre. We walk there slowly, strolling through the streets for a bit, looking at clothes and other things through the windows of the stores.

“Do you see that?”, Harry asks, grinning excitedly, pointing into the direction of a small store a bit further. “It’s a vinyl store. I need to go in, please.”

“Sure, we can go in.”

He smiles and looks like a little kid getting its ice cream. “Thank you.”

The store isn’t really big, but it’s stuffed with shelves filled with old and new vinyls.

“I absolutely love vinyls”, Harry says and it makes me happy, seeing his eyes glow like that.

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