Day eighteen

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Even though we both were awoken by the thunder a couple of times last night, it still was the best sleep we’ve gotten in a long time. The bed is way more comfortable than the van and my back doesn’t hurt for once when I wake up at eleven in the morning.

Harry is already scrolling around on his phone a bit, smiling when he sees me. “Morning”, he whispers and puts his phone away, “Thought you were gonna sleep forever already.”

I shake my head slightly and rub my eyes. “How much money did you safe because of travelling with me?”

Harry raises an eyebrow. “Not much, to be honest. I didn’t take much with me. Why?”

I groan lowly. “I really wanted to stay here for one more night.”

He nods. “If you want that. I’m sure we can manage somehow. You might have to borrow me some money but you’ll get it back once we’re home.”

“Yay”, I say, smiling and pressing a wet kiss to his cheek, “Thank you.”

He smiles broadly and pulls me in for a proper kiss. We stay close for some time and I enjoy his arm wrapped around my waist, his finger resting on my tummy.

“I think you woke up too late for breakfast”, Harry mumbles.
“Lunch for breakfast, then?” I snuggle a bit closer, smelling the apple shampoo in his hair.

“Sure, why not. Any other plans for today?”

I shake my head. “You?”

“Nope”, he says, popping the ‘p’, “If you’re okay with that I’d just stay in all day. Do nothing.”

I smile with a small nod. “Sounds good if you ask me.”

I sit up and stretch my arms before tilting my neck so it cracks a little. “Ew”, Harry says and fists my shoulder softly, “Don’t do that. You’re gonna break you neck or something.”

He pulls me back down a little so we’re facing each other and lifts his hand to carefully trace over my cheek with his thumb, smiling softly. “You’re beautiful”, he mumbles, brushing through my hair.
I try not to blush and stare at his pillow instead of looking at him, trying to deal with the compliment. “You can look at me, babe, stop looking away every time I say something nice.”

“You caught me”, I mumble and it makes him chuckle lowly before he carefully tilts my chin up so I’m forced to look at him, stare at those green eyes that make me want to drown in them and look away again at the same time.

No one ever quite talked to me like Harry does. Yes, I’ve been told that I’m hot, that I’m handsome or fit. When we were both drunk, kissing messily in some club. I haven’t been told that I’m beautiful, not like this, not with someone looking at me as if they meant it.

“No, really, you don’t believe me, do you?”, Harry asks, moving so he’s straddling me, his mouth hovering above mine before he presses a small kiss to my lips. “You’re actually stunning. Do you know that? I think I’ll have to tell you every day from now one. Until you realize. I love your eyes”, he says, “Could stare at them all day. And your hair. It’s so fluffy, I wanna burry my hands in them. Your-“

“Harry”, I interrupt him, trying to shove him of me, “Stop it.”

He smiles softly, tracing along my lip with his finger before kissing me again. “You really can’t deal with compliments, can you?”

I quickly shake my head and pull him down by the neck to kiss him so he finally stops talking. The butterflies in my tummy are stronger than ever when we kiss for a while, until our lips are puffy and it’s time to shower or we’ll miss lunch as well.

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