Day ten

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When I wake up the next morning, I feel something heavy laying on my waist and a thumb pressing into the side of my body softly. I open my eyes slightly, seeing Harry's arm wrapped around me tightly, his face nuzzling you into the crook of my neck softly.

I enjoy his breath tickling my skin for a while, feeling his hand lay on my tummy, moving up and down with every breath I take.

It's a little lovely.

I move away though because my tummy suddenly feels a little weird. Maybe it's because I haven't eaten yet today.

"Oh", Harry says, moving away on his own, "'m sorry."

"No, don't worry", I whisper, my eyes still closed, "I didn't mind. I mean, eh, I did. Like, I didn't. It didn't bother me when I was sleeping."

I hear Harry chuckle into my hair before he moves away completely and suddenly, I feel a bit lost and cold and lonely.

I try to sleep for a bit again afterwards, ignoring the feelings, but Harry apparently has other plans.

"Louis", Harry says for the thousandth time in the last two minutes, "Louis, Louis, Louis."

I groan and try to cover my ears with my pillow. Harry rips it out of my hands and shakes my shoulder. "Wake up, for fucks sake. Louis. Wake up. Louis. Now."

I open my eyes just to glare at him angrily before closing them again. "Louis, for fucks sake. It's eleven. If you wanted to spend your whole holidays sleeping, you could've stayed at home."

"Or I could've left you at that stupid rest area", I grumble, eyes still closed.

Harry snorts and shakes my shoulder again. "I know you love being in my company, don't lie. Plans for today?"

I admit my defeat by opening my eyes, wiping them with my hands once before shaking my head. "I think I planned on sleeping a little more in my holidays, Harry. You know, have a day of rest."

He rolls his eyes and takes a bite from a muesli bar. "Sure. Then let's just drive today and see how much we can get done. I feel like we're not really moving forward anyways. You wanted to be at the coast within the next five days or something."

I nod. "I know. I think we drove a little too far into west, to be honest. Yeah, let's make up for some driving today."

I smile a little bit at him nodding excitedly about this boring plan and reach out my hand, signalling for him to get me something to eat.

He hands me a chocolate bar and we finish eating in silence before using the restroom again and packing all of our things into the back so we're able to sit down in the front.

"Let's head south", I say and click onto the little icon so the map on my phone opens. It's been a few days since we actually followed the route so we're a bit behind now. Not that it really mattered. This road trip isn't going to plan at all anyways, so we can as well drive wherever we want, as long as we get to my family meeting and Harry's friend in time.

We drive in silence for most of the time, I even drift off to sleep for about an hour while Harry drives. It's about four hours later that Harry takes a turn very suddenly and I already can see the car crashing into one of the trees, but somehow, he manages staying on the very small path.

"What the actual fuck?", I shout, gripping onto my seat tightly, "What do you think you're doing, for fucks sake?"

Harry just grins and I really feel like slapping his face in that moment. "I saw a sign that said that there's a lake a bit further."

"So you just decided to drive here, nearly kill us, destroy my dad's car and all of that without asking me if I even wanted that?"

He nods. "Exactly. I saw it last second, as you might have noticed, so I didn't really have the chance to ask you."

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