Day fourteen

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The alarm is way too loud, considering it’s only four in the morning. Even Harry, the biggest morning person ever groans exhaustedly and tries to find his phone by hitting random objects, hoping he’ll somehow end up finding his phone.

“Ouch”, I say with my eyes closed when he softly hits my head instead of his phone.

“Oh, fuck, sorry”, Harry mumbles, “You okay?”

“No. It’s way too early.”

He finally finds his phone and turns off that horrible sound. I turn around again, covering my head with my blanket, hoping Harry will somehow forget about our plan.

He doesn’t.

“Louis”, he whines, “Get up.”

He hugs me from behind and the butterflies are already back. “Come on.” He pulls the blanket off my head carefully and kisses the top of my head twice.

“Stop trying to be cute”, I groan.

“I am cute.” He kisses my cheek now and damn it, why does he have to be cute?

“I hate it.”

“You don’t.” He kisses me properly this time and I smile into the kiss, trying not to let the happiness wash over me too much.

“I wouldn’t if it was a little later.”

He laughs and snuggles a little closer, nuzzling his nose up into the crook of my neck. I groan and try to shove him away but he stays close and if I have to be honest, I kind of like it.

He gets off the bed again and I hear him searching through something before he sits down next to me and tries to slip a hoodie over my head. “Harry, you really annoy the shit out of me.”

He giggles and pulls the hoodie over my head completely, fixing my messed up hair with his fingers carefully. “Ready?”

I nod slightly and push myself up, sitting next to him now. “Morning.”

He chuckles and ruffles through my hair once before climbing to the front. I take a moment to process how very affectionate he has been this whole morning now, trying to understand if it means something. I catch my breath a little, slipping into the hoodie properly and getting on my seat.

“Okay. Let’s go”, Harry says and smiles over at me.

I nod a little. I must’ve drifted of to sleep again after just a few minutes because when I wake up, we’re parked on top of some hill in the middle of nowhere. I have no idea how we got here or where exactly we are, all I know is that Harry is leaning over to me, caressing my cheek with his thumb carefully, making my heart already beat way too fast.

I open my eyes carefully and he points outside. “I really wanna watch from outside”, he says, “It’s a better atmosphere, you know?”

I chuckle and nod. “We can climb on the roof.”

“Are your stupid?”, Harry squeals, “I thought your dad loves the car. You’ll totally damage it, you do realize that, don’t you?”

I roll my eyes. “There’s this platform on it. My dad built it, it’s his fault if we destroy anything. But it’ll work. Me and my sister used to sleep on top of it under a roof tent.”

He now grins excitedly and nods. “I always wanted to sleep on top of a car. Can we go, now?”

He’s already jumping out of the car and I’m not sure whether to like his enthusiasm or be pretty annoyed by it. I get the small ladder from the back and unfold it before attaching it to the platform so we can climb up.

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