When lucas heard max say that, everything went dark.He couldn't believe max had really said that to him.Max explained to lucas that the reason she broke up with him was not because he was bad or anything but because she just needed some space from him to work on herself.Lucas tried to understand but on the inside he really felt bad.The next day at school,it kinda felt awkward for max and lucas.I mean I really don't know whats worse max ducking lucas or lucas spying on her but when they meet eyes he tries to act like he doesn't see her. Lucas just tried to work on himself for a bit sense max is doing the same but he really misses her.The party decided that lucas should just get another girlfriend to get over max but,he really doesn't want to do that at all.Eventually he caved in but every girl he hanged out with he didn't feel any sparks at all like he did with max.Max tried doing different things to take her mine off everything.She wanted to find something that really calmed her,but there was no surprise of what it was "skateboarding".She grabbed her skateboard out her room and headed to the skate park and for a while she was happy but her heart soon dropped after she saw lucas with a girl walking by,holding hands.She tried to duck but they spotted her,lucas lit up when he saw her "because he was bored anyway." Lucas said hi to max but she just walked right passed them and left.She was crying but she didn't know why because she broke up with him,it still hurt tho she thought.Lucas felt bad and didn't think max wanted to see him with a girl,so he broke up with the girl and stopped talking to other girls which didn't hurt him.That same day lucas came over max house and begged to speak to her,she let him come in her room.Lucas sighed and look at max and just talking about his feeling to her and asked her could she talk about hers,at first max was not so sure but she explained how she was feeling and lucas listened.They had a pretty long conversation with eachother as friends about eachother.max really needed that and was thankful that lucas was there for her. The next few days talking to eachother they felt so connected with one another and was falling in love over again.
lumax spin-off (fanmade)
Hayran Kurgumax and lucas goes through complications in terms of dealing with their relationship and don't exactly know how to fix it.