Chapter 2-A hot villain

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As I was waithing for Lizzie to call me some guy approached me. "Hey cutie~" he whispered in seductive tone. I tried to get away but he just pinned me on the couch. What have I gotten myself into?

Suddenly I heard a gunshot from the other side of the room. I flinched as I looked behind me feom where the gunshot noice went. There stood an infamous, hot cyan-haired villain. Wait- I did not just call him hot. •\\\\\•
Fuck it-
Lizzie was goddamn right, he is here!

"Fucking bitch!" I heard him mutter under his breath. "Anyone else?!" He asked. I got really confused. What did he mean by that?

Then some girl that looked like a witch came to him and whisperd something to his ear. I assumed that was his girlfriend. "Ah, yes, Thank you Shelby" he said this time with a calmer voice. His voice sounded so hot when he used that tone.

He came closer and shot the guy that called me a cutie earlier. Then looked at me, gave me a warm but creepy smile and said: "You are coming with me." and with that everything went black.

Lizzies pov (finally!)

When we arrived to the bar it was too late. My brother Jimmy was nowhere to be found. There was no point in saving him now, he might even be dead. And even if we saved him he won't be use to us anymore.


Thank you for reading this

282 words

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Peace out ✌️

Flower husbands♡//Hero and villain AU (a bit of Jornoth♡ in later chapters)Where stories live. Discover now