Chapter 11-New friend

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When I woke up I was in a bed. I looked around and noticed I was in Scotts room.

'He must've carried me here.' I thought.

I got up and went downstairs to kitchen to get something to eat since I was hungry. I dediced to make a sandwitch.

Whole I was making it I heard the door rustle so I looked there and there was standing the blonde boy from earlier.

"Hey~, I never got your name, by~ the way~"

"Oh-, my name is Jimmy." I said.

"Well~ I am Joey~" he replied.

I made a note in my head to remember his name.

"Nice to meet you!!" he continued.

"..yeah, nice to meet you too..." I shaked his hand.



"Well now make me a sandwitch too, slave!!!"

"Huhhhh?!?!, make one yourself, dumb whore."

"How DARE YOU disrespect the FUTURE HUSBAND of XORNOTH, the BEST demon in whole world"


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190 words

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Peace out ✌️

Flower husbands♡//Hero and villain AU (a bit of Jornoth♡ in later chapters)Where stories live. Discover now