Extra: Kais guide on how to get a girlfriend

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Since a fellow cool person asked me on how to get a girlfriend and I have like 0 ideas again for the story I made this extra chapter TwT

This was actually tested by me on a boy since I really cant talk to girls (like, it gets really awkward) and it worked


Step 1: Find a girl

Step 2: If she isnt cute, hot or smart return to step one

Step 3: Talk to her

Step 4: Friend her

Step 5: Try complimenting her and flirt with her more

Step 6: Get more touchy (like holding hands and sh-t)

Step 7: Make her think someone She hates has crush on her and say You two should pretend to date to get them away from you two and You two should act like a couple

Step 8: There it is

144 words

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