Have a WIP of Chapter 9

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Scott's pov

After I said that I could see his face heat up a lot. Well what can I say, I'm very amazing that even a guy from the 'heroes' simps for me.

He gave me a  ' I'm so pissed at you' look so I quickly left the room and closed the door to let him change. Damn, he can be really scary sometimes.


I really apologize that I havent updated this book for so long. My phone blew up like 2 and a half months ago and I still havent gotten a new one so I need to do everything on my moms or grandmas computer and I dont think they would be happy to hear I write gay things on it-

Flower husbands♡//Hero and villain AU (a bit of Jornoth♡ in later chapters)Where stories live. Discover now