Chapter 9-Leavin' for work

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Scott's pov

After I said that I could see his face heat up a lot. Well what can I say, I'm very amazing that even a guy from the 'heroes' simps for me.

He gave me a ' I'm so pissed at you' look so I quickly left the room and closed the door to let him change. Damn, he can be really scary sometimes.

"....oh god, this is so embarassing!" I heard him mutter. I mean, I said that I'm going to leave the room, but I never said anything about not listening from the other side of the wall. '.......OK, now I'm gotting bored, so I'll leave him for now.' I thought and went to the living room. I put some anime on a TV.

"Okay, I'm done." he shouted from upstairs.

"Come down then, I'm watching TV!" I shouted back. 

Jimmy's pov

"OKAY!" I yelled back. Honesly I can't even understand how is he so nice. I mean yeah he kidnapped me, but does that really count as kidnapping if I want to stay here forever with him?

My head was full of these thoughts as I went downstairs. When I was already at livingroom I sat down on the couch next to Scott and watched some anime with him.

After a while he took my hand and pulled me into his lap, then he started cuddling my hair. Homesly I was so very blushing right now.

"Okay Jimmy, Ima need to leave now, I have some things to take care of, okay?" Scott asked. Before I even tried to reply he added: "Also my brother and his boyfriend will be here so even if you tried to escape you wont get out. But you wont try to escape because youre a good boy, right?"

I blushed at that. Just how is he so smooth with words?

"Y- yes..." I suttered. 'Fuck' I thought.

"Youre so cute like that" he said as he disappeared. Well, now I'm alone here. So I put TV on sme random thing I felt like watching.


Still my phone is not repaired so it might take a while, but Im good even without it, I swear I dont have to worry about losing it and shit-

Thank you for reading this and for your support <3

399 words

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And also follow, but I'm not gonna force you- So have a good next 24 hours 👋

Peace out ✌️

Flower husbands♡//Hero and villain AU (a bit of Jornoth♡ in later chapters)Where stories live. Discover now