Chapter 5-New life

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It has been already five days since I was locked here. Five long days here. I mean I get food to eat one to two times a day. And Scott also bringed me matress to sleep on.

But to be honest, I didn't liked it here.
I hated my new life. But what could I do? Nothing.
At least I'm safe here.

Yes, I was still cuffed and blindfolded but that didn't matter anymore. The only thing that matter is that I'm safe here.

"Hey! I got you food!" Scott snapped me out of my thoughts. I could hear his footsteps getting louder and louder with every step he took foward me. And he put the box with food next to me.

He unboxed the box. "Okay, now open your mouth." He said. This was and always will be embarassing for me. I oppened my mouth and as the previous days, today too, he started to feed me.

As he was feeding me I heard the door open: "Hey Scott?" Someone say. I figured out it was a female because of the voice.

Shelbys pov

"Hey Scott?" I started. He turned my head to me. "Could I borrow some ingredients? I need them for a new potion I'm tying to make." I explained.

"Yeah sure, but next time knock before entering. You scared the shit out of me Shelby." He gave me that creepy look.

"Ye- yeah,.. you know what... I, I'll just go." as I said that I quickly ran out of the basement. Damn, he can be really scary sometimes.

Scotts pov

"Oh god..." I muttered. Shelby can be sometimes a big drag, just like my life. "Was that your girlfriend?" Jimmy asked. And I tried not to laugh.

I made a "Pfft-" noise. "What?" he asked with an innocent tone. "I'm gay" I replied to him.

"Oh,..ohhhh-" he said in realization. "Sorry" he mumbled. 'Adorable' I thought.


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361 words

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Peace out ✌️

Flower husbands♡//Hero and villain AU (a bit of Jornoth♡ in later chapters)Where stories live. Discover now