Chapter 3-Spray

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(This will be like chapter 2 but in Scotts pov)

Scotts pov

As I arrived to the bar I could see the boy the hero agency sent here to arrest me, pathetic. I mean why couldn't the one who always catches them come? She is probably too afraid of me so she had to send her cute little brother. Pathetic.

When I wanted to approach him some random guy pinned me to a wall: "Hello baby~ Want to have some fun?~" he asked me. I just had to stay calm and play along. "Mmmh~ of course daddy~-" I winked at him. I quickly took out my gun and aimed it at his head: "-Not." and with that I shoot him.

Everybody turned their sight on me. "Fucking bitch" I muttered. "Anyone else?" I asked. Then I've seen my friend Shubble waving at me as she came closer and whispered to me: "Don't forget about the hero boy." She reminded me. "Ah, right, Thank you Shelby." I thanked her.

My gaze turned to the boy. As I came closer and closer to him. There was this weird dude and the hero boy looked terrified earlier when the guy came to him so I shot the guy not caring if he knows him or not.

His blood spattered on me mostly but I didn't care. "You are coming with me." I said as he fell asleep. I used sleeping spray, that Shelby made, on him. Surprisingly it worked.


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287 words

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Peace out ✌️

Flower husbands♡//Hero and villain AU (a bit of Jornoth♡ in later chapters)Where stories live. Discover now