Chapter 5

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I occupied my self on Jackson's bed with a paddle ball, laying back with my arm underneath my head. He sat at his art table sketching while keeping up a conversation with me.

"Come on Jackson, just let me take a look please!"

"For the last time Bammie, I said no. Just wait and be patient."

I gave a loud sigh while letting my arms fall, paddle ball still in hand.

"You know I hold no patience."

He ignored me, I guess already done with my persistent begging. I gave up as I knew he wouldn't change his mind. Jackson has always been the stubborn type and it somewhat ticked me off a bit. Only because impatience and stubbornness don't mix well.

"A few more minutes and I'll be done, okay? I'm just adding a few more touches of detail."

He spoke with assurance and I groaned in reply. Waiting for anything was my pet peeve. I hated it with a burning passion. Especially when I'm eager for that something.

"Done yet?"


I heavily breathed once again into one of his pillows. His scent filled my nose pleasantly, as odd as that sounds. I kept thinking back to how I will organize my letter to him. Would I even give it to him once I perfected it? Probably not, I'm such a chicken. But I mean I can't keep going on like this, bearing these feelings to myself. You can only take but so much. Especially when you're with that person almost twenty four hours of the day, and every day of the week. It pains you because you just want to hold that person tight for so long. Jackson holds and hugs me all the time, but I mean I want to in a more loving way, rather than caring. I just want him to understand me. I held back my tears as I squeezed the pillow tighter, feeling frustrated from all these feelings.


My eyes shot open as I heard Jackson yell excitedly. I sat up quickly and jumped off his bed to his craft area, a little too happy.

"Let me see! Let me see!"

Jackson sighed and focused his eyes to the floor. I could see a faint tint of red forming on his cheeks.

"Now before I show you this, please don't find it creepy in any way. I just had a lot of admiration to create this sketch, and I hope you like it very much."

His voice and tone was nervous, and fully of shyness. I awaited eagerly as he opened the sketchbook slowly. He then held it up to me and I couldn't believe what was before my eyes. It was me. A wonderfully drawn out, full of detail, life-like picture of me. I took it into my hands gently and at awe. I was astonished by his talent that I knew he already possessed. But every time I would see his creations, it felt like witnessing them for the first once again.

"Jackson, this is amazing. I don't mean to sound arrogant but, this came out as perfect as me."

He gave a strong high pitched laugh at my comment, smiling widely.

"Well I did sketch what I saw; perfection."

"Wow that was real cheesy."

I commented while snorting, running to my book bag for my camera. As I took it out I made sure it was on and ready.

"Okay Jackson, hold up the drawing next to you and give a cute V sign pose!"

I was excited and happy, maybe even a little too much. But I didn't care, I quickly found special meaning in the piece of art.

He did as told, and I aimed my lens at him while focusing for the best quality. After a few seconds I pressed my capture button, flash quickly going off. The photo developed and I excitedly pulled it out, examining.

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