Chapter 1

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"Jackson! Jackson!"

I hollered and waved from the other side of the courtyard in the school, catching his attention.

"Stay there hold on!"

I shouted while jogging up to where my best friend stood, smiling brightly.

"Well, aren't we chipper this morning?"

He laughed at me while speaking, walking once again. I trailed behind.

"Because you're here early. Now I won't have to sit by myself for the next twenty minutes in the cafeteria."

I joked as I adjusted my book bag on my shoulder. Jackson yawned while taking a seat on a nearby bench, patting a spot next to him for me to do the same.

"You know you can always text me to come early, and I will. I don't want my best friend sitting alone everyday."

He ruffled my hair for a split second while grinning, and I gave the faintest blush. Jackson always looked after me and showed much care. It made me realize I had grown romantic feelings for him. Did I tell him? Nope, I just kept my lips zipped and heart closed.

"Where's your camera? You usually never let that thing go."

He asked me with a concerned look plastered on his face. I gave a pat to the back of my bag.

"It's right in here. Speaking of my camera, can I take a picture of you?"

I asked eagerly. I did so all the time. Photography was my main hobby, and the thing I loved most next to Jackson. Ever since our middle school days, I would take pictures of almost everything around me. That's how me and Jackson started this whole friendship.

"There's no one in the art room? That's odd."

I whispered to myself while holding my camera in hand. Usually this room was full, so it was quite questioning. As I closed the door I approached one of the windows on the side wall, and pulled the blinds open. Sunlight hit me and many trees swaying in the wind appeared. I was astonished by the nature bound look, and immediately focused my camera to capture the picture. As I clicked the button I could hear the door open. I turned my head in the direction, my polaroid picture coming out.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I intrude on anything?"

The boy that walked in abruptly paused in his steps while asking cautiously. I gave a small smile while looking at my camera, shaking my head and grabbing my picture it printed out.

"Not at all, I'm just taking pictures."

"Wow is that a polaroid camera?!"

The guy ran up to me while examining the object with his eyes I gave a small chuckle at his excitement, handing it to him.

"You can try it out if you want."

His eyes beamed and lit up like a child getting a new toy. He held up the camera to his face, aiming the lens at me.


He spoke while letting the shutter noise go off. It printed out the polaroid, showing me with a small smile. He took it into his hands and gave a wide grin.

"This is so cool! Thank you. What's your name?"

"You can call me BamBam."

I spoke with a delighted tone.

"Hi BamBam, my name is Jackson."

He put his hand out as to gesture for a shake, and I complied. His grip was firm, but in a way comforting.

"Can I take more pictures?"

Jackson pouted at me while begging. I gave a shrug of my shoulders while keeping a happy expression.

"As many as you want."

Now we are in high school and still the same routine.

"Of course you can take a picture Bammie."

I hated when he called me that. It made me feel all fuzzy inside, as if my guts were squirming in me.

"Do you want a selca? A charismatic pose? A regular smile?"

"Hm, give me a charismatic pose."

He looked so handsome when he did that certain look. I swear I have too many pictures of him posing like that. He gave a blank but serious stare, index and thumb to his chin. I captured the pose and let the picture take it's time to develop.

"Number 453! I might need a photo album just for your pictures alone."

I joked while reaching into the front pocket of my book bag, pulling out a fine point black permanent marker. As the picture came out I took it into my hands. I removed the cap off my marker with my teeth, and began writing on the bottom of the polaroid.

'#453: Jackson actually comes to school early for once.'

I wrote while laughing to myself. Jackson peered over to see what I scribbled as I put my writing utensil back.

"Hey, this is not the first time I came to school early!"

He lectured while smacking my arm. I gave a smirk and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah whatever. Now come on let's keep walking, before it becomes more crowded."

I suggested while standing up and readjusting my book bag. Jackson did the same, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go Bammie."

He cooed while walking with me. I ignored my nauseous feeling, not needing to throw up everywhere.


A/N: This is my opening chapter of my fan fiction "Dear Jackson"! It's just to give some background information on how they met, how they are relationship wise, and so on. Also, please take a look at my 2Jae fanfic, "He Who Lives Next Door"! Thanks!

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