Chapter 19

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I heard the entire fight that went on downstairs in Jackson's kitchen. I felt myself cry as he was being put down by the ones who should have been there for him most. His father, I never knew he could be so cruel. His mother as well, how could she not defend her own son? I was startled as the door swung open with Jackson running in crying. I shut the door for him as he slid down the wall he leaned on. He tucked his knees to his chest and burried his face in his hands, sobbing loudly.

"Jackson, please Jackson calm down, it's okay. I heard everything and it is fucked up. Though that shouldn't bring you down. Like you said, no matter what keep on going, right?"

I smoothed his hair as to console and comfort him. He looked up at me with puffy eyes and red cheeks while sniffling.

"The point is that's my family. The only one protecting me was my little sister and now she's in trouble. I swear I'll take her under my care once I'm on my own feet. I don't want that asshole brainwashing her."

His sadness began to sound more like anger as he went on.

"Well we can talk about it more if you want at my place okay? Let's pack up some stuff for tonight and come back tomorrow for everything else, you can live with me. My mother is accepting and always wants you over."

I lightly laughed as to brighten the mood. He gave a weak smile and a nod while standing up.

"I'll feel more comfortable there anyway."

I stood up as well and put my attention towards the door as it opened, his sister peeking her head in.

"Is it okay if I come in Jackson?"

Her voice was soft and fragile. A lot different from the person I heard downstairs.

"Yeah of course." He answered as he took a bag out of the closet. She came in and closed the door whilst stepping to the middle of the room. I just stood quiet and sat on the bed.

"I tried talking to dad but he threatend to kick me out as well if I didn't stay quiet. I would've kept fighting but my friends aren't the realist people out there, so I don't really have a second home. Where are you going though?"

She held her arm as she asked while swaying back and forth. Jackson looked up and pointed at me.

"To BamBam's place. He's my boyfriend by the way, not just best friend anymore."

He held a smirk on his face, packing clothes and papers. His sister looked at me with a smile and slight laugh.

"I already saw that coming a mile away."

"What do you mean?"

I asked curiously and the other paused in his actions as well.

"Well I already knew my brother was gay, a sister just knows. I was so shocked he said it though to the ones downstairs. You were obvious as hell the way you stared at him and always came over. Even best friends don't go to the extent you did BamBam."

She giggled, hitting my arm playfully. I blushed and so did Jackson who tended to his doing.

"I appreciate you defending me the way you did back there. I'm going to promise you something little sis."

Jackson zipped the bag up and put it by the desk. He then opened a drawer while pulling out a regular paper-sized canvas. It was a sketched portrait of her, looking so realistic.

"Keep this for now. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday but, I won't be around here much because of our parents. Though here's my promise, I am going to take you out of this house. You still have some time left before you can get on your feet legally. I however am already almost there, and I don't want you growing up a lie like I did. So as soon as I can, I will take you under my care. Just deal with the bull a little more, okay?"

He laughed sadly after he finished speaking. I stared feeling bad as I could tell Jackson really wanted to take her out of this house.

"Brother this is so amazing. I love it so much, I'll frame it and hang it up. As for the guardian thing, I can't wait for that. Though I will do so like you asked and deal with these ignorant adults."

She gave him a tight hug and he did the same. I smiled at the sweet moment while standing up.

"Jackson is that all you're taking for now? I don't want it to get too late since we're walking."

I picked up my book bag and put my hand on the door knob, waiting for approval. Jackson took both his packed bag and school one letting them rest on his back.

"You'll see me tomorrow sis. Try to stay away from dad for a while."

He followed behind me as I opened the door, walking downstairs straight to the front entrance of the house. It was tense and I felt so glad to leave.


Jackson and I were in my room together and putting his clothes in my closet. He was a lot calmer here than he was there.

"So are you still going to protest for rights in the country?"

I questioned whilst fixing a shirt on a hanger. He scoffed and gave a sarcastic beginning question.

"Is my last name Wang? Of course I'm going to, I'm never going to give up. Especially now since my father and mother kicked me out, I really have to prove a point and rub it in their face. To show that us "disgusting" people are normal as well and are equal in every way."

Jackson stopped hanging clothes and looked down.

"All this did was push me further. To fight back with even more power than before and what I planned on. Yes it hurt me a lot but, it opened my eyes as well. That they aren't the only ones that will do this to me. There are others that will commit worse. I'm willing to take every single blow. As long as in the end you and I can own a marriage certificate. As long as our friend Mark and others just like him can do the same when they find love. To go anywhere they please and fit in with no problem. Not to be an outcast because of such a small detail."

He smiled softly while staring out the window, showing the moon and stars in the night sky.

"I want to give you something."

I frowned in curiosity as he said that, not even letting me respond to how he felt.

"What is it?"

I mumbled while Jackson searched through his bag. He didn't tell me so I guessed that he wanted to show me instead.

"Got it."

He smiled and held something in his hand, an object small enough to fit in his palm and fingers cover it as a shell. Jackson approached me and looked away from my eyes.

"Something inside is telling me to do this now BamBam. It's not the official one yet but-"

He laughed as he took my left hand in his, slipping a ring on my finger. It was plain silver. With such a one way look it still appeared as eye catching to me. I widened my eyes and looked at Jackson with no way of spilling words. He continued anyway.

"I'm going to call this a promise ring before I call it an engagement ring. I want you to promise that you'll stick with me through this fight, our protest. I want you to promise that you'll always stay my best friend as well as my partner. You're the only reason that I'm really fighting for this right. Yes there are other causes behind it, but you're the one running the show here. Don't worry the ring will surely soon have an upgrade. One that will be worthy enough to be called an engagement ring."

Jackson finished with a laugh, still having a hold of my hand.

"I-uh, I'm at a lost for words. In a positive spin I mean because I just feel so happy." I grinned as I stared down the silver sitting upon my finger.

"You don't have to say anything Bammie. Just as long as you promise."

His voice was so soft and quiet, delicate with every sound wave. It made me feel safe and welcomed knowing I had someone that really loved me in such a way. Though that nickname he calls me by still gives me butterflies in my stomach, I know it still will for many years to come.

"I promise."


A/N: I cry at my own story wow, you should stop author. Vote and comment^^

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