Chapter 9

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"Sleep over."

I spoke to Jackson after hugging for a few minutes. He pulled away and looked into my eyes once again.

"Would your mom be okay with it?"

He looked cautious and I gave a smirk with a snide laugh.

"In her eyes you're her son as well."

Jackson laughed to himself while nodding.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

I took my folder and closed his door before running down the steps. I made it out the front door and into the back of the car, speaking to my mother.

"Jackson is sleeping over."

"Oh how I missed my adopted child."

She laughed while opening her window, turning up the radio slightly with her favorite station. My hands were barely shaking, and I couldn't believe what all just happened within a matter of minutes. It's like my mind couldn't comprehend the fact that Jackson had feelings for me. Let alone kiss me. Then he told me for a few years he felt that way. This is too much to happen in a small amount of time.


I could hear Jackson shout as he ran up to the vehicle, kissing my mother on the cheek before opening my side door. I scooted over to give him room for his own seat. I looked out my window into the darkness, as I couldn't even find the courage to look at him. I suddenly felt so shy even being near him. I mentally flinched as I felt Jackson lay his hand on top of mine. All I kept worrying about was my mother seeing our actions. Or in this case his.

"You guys have school tomorrow, so please sleep as much as you can. But tomorrow is Friday so Jackson you can stay for as long as you want."

"Gladly. Thank you mommy."

I breathed through my nose with humor at his tone, sounding like a seven year old. I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of the hoodie Jackson gave me, and drew my attention towards it. I pulled it out and saw a message from the one sitting next to me.

'Why aren't you looking at me or talking to me?'

I took a moment before typing on my touch keyboard, sending my reply.

'I'm just very nervous.'

I heard his messenger ringtone go off, and a faint light of his screen in my peripheral vision. I was on alert to see if I would get a response, but I guess he had nothing to say. Was he mad at me? It's not like him to be angered over such an answer. I soon threw out the thought when I felt Jackson caress my hand with his thumb. The feeling against my skin was soothing, calming, relaxing.

"Awfully queit back there. Everything okay?"

I heard my mother ask while turning on an avenue. I went to answer but was cut off by Jackson.

"We're fine, no worries."

Yeah, "we". I still feel my nerves in the pit of my torso.


About five minutes later we made it to BamBam's house. We lived a small distance from each other, so the drive was short as always. I locked the front door and followed him up the stairs seconds later. He was about three steps ahead of me, and time couldn't be any slower. I just wanted to get into that room to have our privacy. To talk out how things will work around us. And to get him passed this sudden shyness.

BamBam reached the floor surface and approached his bedroom door, giving it a push as it was slightly open. I made it up as well and followed through the entrance. I closed it fully along with pushing in the lock on the door knob. I was tempted to attack him in a hug and kiss him immediately, but I held back my urge.


"Why did you go through my folder?"

He cut me off so quickly that I internally flinched from the tone.

"Excuse me?" Was all I could say as I stood there, feeling somewhat offended.

"You heard what I said. Why would you go through my things? I'm not mad at you, just a little hurt."

BamBam crossed his arms while carrying a sad facial expression. I smirked while explaining myself.

"I didn't deliberately go through your folder. I actually took it from the table to put in my book bag, so I could give it to you at school. But I dropped it, and all your photos and papers fell out. As I was putting them back, I saw your letter."

After exchanging silence within the room he finally dropped his arms and exhaled. He took a seat on his bed, and I stood in my same spot by the door.

"Listen I'm sorry for accusing you. I just really didn't want you to see that letter until I myself was comfortable showing it. Then I didn't expect you to damn near suffocate me in a kiss when I came back for my folder. So yeah, I'm a little speechless and nervous at the moment."

Even I grew a little heat in my cheeks at the memory of slamming him against the door. I probably shouldn't have done that.

"Okay I'm sorry for accidently reading your confession."

I walked closer to him slowly, afraid I'll unknowingly get too close for him.

"If you'd like, I can pretend I didn't read it and go back to a regular friendship for your comfort."

My voice was low so his mother couldn't hear me, in case she could in some possible way. Bam looked up at me and smirked, letting out a small vibrating sound of humor.

"Yeah because nothing would be awkward after that."

Sarcasm laid like a blanket on his tone. I smiled and crouched down near him, partially looking up with a whisper in my voice.

"Okay then, you decide how we go about everything. Choose your path of comfort."

He looked down at his hands amd twittled with his fingers, biting his lip and cocking his head to the side in thought. I put my hand up as to tell him to pause.

"You know what, we can discuss it tomorrow. We should just get some sleep as we have to awake early. Okay?"

BamBam gave me a slow nod, and threw himself back on the bed. I stood in my spot while staring at him.

"Not changing? You still have clothes on from school."

"I can shower and change tomorrow. Right now I just want sleep."

I sighed to myself while shrugging, slipping under the sheets while tossing my shoes to the side.

"I guess I can do the same."

While getting comfortable, I went to wrap my arms around his body, but just tucked them into my chest instead. A silent minute passed and I decided to speak, hoping he was still awake.

"You know prom is quickly approaching in school."

"I'm not going to a dance with you Jackson."

BamBam gave a laugh as he responded, voice holding a tone of sleepiness.

"Come on, we don't have to actually dance, and we don't have to get all dressed up either."

"Then what would be the point of going? We could just stay in my room or yours, blast our own music, and do whatever."

I stood quiet as he did have a point. I exhaled in defeat, closing my eyes.

"Alright Bammie, that's fine. We can do that instead."

It wasn't a bad idea to me. But then again he could have just been sarcastic.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I had writer's block out of nowhere when I was writing this chapter, even though I already knew what to write. Vote and comment!

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