Chapter 14

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It was the weekend and of course I was alone again. I sat on my bed reading a book, sunlight pouring in from the window. It didn't last long since the gray clouds blocked the rays. I didn't mind since the light was too happy for my current mood.

"Lead me the way to destiny, fate, happiness. I cannot find it myself with the selfish ways I hold within. Only you, my love, my life, can pull me out this sea of bitterness I have caused upon myself."

Those words played in my head with a dramatic tone as I read them silently. Ironically reminding me of Jackson, which I did not need.

"Kunpi, can you go and check the mail please?"

I heard my mother holler the question. I gave a nod even though she couldn't see me as I was in my room. I got up and stretched while opening the door.

"Yeah, no problem!"

I replied loudly and quickly made my way down the stairs, opening the front door. Instead of putting on my shoes I just walked out bare foot. The thought that went through my head was I'm just checking the mail.

Making my way down the driveway to the mailbox, I paused. Jackson was approaching my house while waving. I stood frozen with slightly wide eyes as I didn't expect his visit.

"Hey Bammie! Let's hang out."


I answered bluntly while opening the mailbox, pulling out two white envelopes. I kept my eyes glued to the mail as to portray the fact I was interested in it.

"Come on, I apologized to you for everything."

I walked away back to the front door while keeping my head down, Jackson following behind me.

"I'm talking to you. Stop ignoring me."

He took a hold of my arm causing me to abruptly stop.

"Let go of me, Jackson. Just like I said before, all you did was place duct tape over a gigantic hole in a wall."

"Well when you put enough it's eventually covered!"

His words made me think for a second but I eventually pulled away. I took a step towards my house entrance once again, and was pushed in by Jackson by my back. I nearly tripped however, I broke the fall.

"What the hell?!"

He slammed the front door shut and took the envelopes from my hand, placing them on the coffee table in the living room. He then went up the stairs and I proceeded to follow.

"Jackson what are you doing?'

"Protesting. I will not leave your room until you forgive me. Until I put enough duct tape as temporary repairment. Just enough to hold you off for a better fix on your damage."

He entered my room with an affirmative step. I was quite shocked at his words, that he really wasn't just trying to kiss up to me for selfish reasoning. I followed behind closely and shut the door.

"I know you went through a lot and still do with the whole gay drama around school. But I too also had my fair share of shit to deal with. Well it's less than what you have on your shoulder now, but still stressful for me. Knowing that I fucked up. I accept the idiocy behind my actions with you. The ignorance, the selfish traits, the lack of understanding of what happened with you. I told you all this already, I know, and I will speak of it time and time again until you accept my apology."

It was tempting, yes indeed. To take in his sorry words and call it a done deal. Though he had more to go on with.

"It's already fabricated in my mind that words alone cannot do much. Which is why on Monday I want you to come into my art class and view my presentation."

I gave him a questionable look along with tone.

"Why do you want me to do that?"

Jackson smiled and turned his head to the side, slight laugh audible from his throat.

"You'll see Bammie. I know you'll love it."

Later in the night Jackson left my house on somewhat good terms. I let him know his efforts alone showed care and determination for our relationship. That he really does regret putting me through such turmoil. So, I spoke my words and told him I accept his apology. However, I emphasized the fact it wasn't a full percentage of repairment.

"I wonder what's the project theme. It must have something to do with love or some crap."

I sighed with a slight laugh and picked up my camera from my desk.

"I really want to take pictures, I haven't in a while. Most of my photographic moments were of Jackson. Now I'm a little lost on what to snap."

I spoke to myself whilst scanning my room for ideas or objects. It was dark out, so nature was out of the question. Mother was asleep so that was crossed out as well. I then faced the lens towards me.

"A few pictures of me won't hurt at all."


A/N: Quite short and stretched the ending out just a little bit, but don't mind it. Focus on what Jackson might do. Comment and vote!^^

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