Darth Maul

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With the hood pulled deep into my face, I sat in one of the dirty bars at the underworld of Courescant on level 12. With the help of the Force, I tried to filter out helpful information, but unfortunately it wasn't very helpful. All I could get was something like... in the Outer Rim the republic and the seps had another battle... and the Clone Wars were escalating... also that the republic, as well as the banking clan were broke and actually couldn't afford the war anymore. This was no new information, most of it I already knew, but one word caught my attention. Darth Maul.
He had been seen on Mandalor and was said to have killed Satine and taken control of the planet. The Republic had done nothing so far, so the jedi probably knew nothing about it, said a young Twi'lek.

Satine's death saddened me. But if the jedi didn't know anything about it... maybe I should check it out myself.... So I went to Mandalore to have a closer look.

I had been on Mandalor for three days now and had observed the situation from afar. The information was correct.... Darth Maul was here and had the planet under control. But I couldn't see any rattletraps anywhere, which meant the seperatists weren't here either.... That was really strange.

I decided to get to the bottom of it and face Maul. With my new homemade lightsaber, which admittedly wasn't nearly as good as my old ones since I had bought the new one from a scrap dealer, I made my way to the empty palace that had once belonged to my friend Satine. I crept into the throne room, but it was empty. I could sense Maul quite clearly, but where was he?

"Little Tano, if I remember correctly?", I whirled around to the amused voice behind me. There he stood with his mechanical legs, looking at me like his new prey. "Skywalker's lapdog, what a surprise. Did the jedi send you?" he asked spitefully and began circling me. As he did, his metal legs made clacking noises on the marble floor. "No, I'm no jedi anymore," I said and ignited the lightsaber, which now had a yellow blade, ready for battle. Now he really looked at me in surprise for a moment, but then he stopped and laughed harshly. "So your master betrayed you too? You know, young Tano, I heard something about an attack on the temple, but I thought it was a rumor, but it looks like it's true. " he grinned now and came towards me, but I kept him at a distance with the lightsaber. "No. He didn't betray me, he was always by my side... the... order didn't trust me, that's why I left. Why are you on Mandalore and where are the seperatists you usually work with?" I asked suspiciously. Anger flared in his crazed gaze and he picked up the lightsaber at his hip and ignited the black blade. But... I knew that blade after all.... "What does the Death Watch have to do with this?" I looked at him through narrowed eyes. A dirty grin appeared on his face. "Simple, I was replaced by Dooku and now I've snatched a planet from him, with the help of the Death Watch.... What can I say... I don't like to share, so I had to kill Duchess Satine and then that Vizsla. I was close to killing Kenobi too, but living with the death of his beloved Duchess is probably tragic enough. How do you think Skywalker will react when I throw your head at his feet?" he grinned before attacking me and our blades met in a bright light.


Thus flared a battle Ahsoka had never fought like this before. Of course, she had already fought Ventress and Grievous, but she always had to flee, because the young padawan was inferior. But now Ahsoka was equal to the former sith and the even fight between the two former students, put both very much. Shortly before the final blow, which would have killed the young Trogruta, she retrieved her lightsaber, which she had lost during the fight, with the force and Darth Maul could no longer escape the saber, which now pierced his heart. Ahsoka noticed too late that the dying man raised the lightsaber one last time and rammed it into her shoulder before collapsing lifeless.

Ahsoka's PoV:

The pain was unbearable, but since it hadn't hit my heart, I was lucky. Besides, it wasn't bleeding because the heat of the sword had burned the flesh, but I had to get to a doctor as soon as possible.... to someone who could help me... but who could help me??? 

Of course! Finally I knew who I could go to and I pushed myself up with the arm that I could still move. As I did so, the burnt flesh tore open and a small trickle of blood ran down my arm. Crap... I had to hurry... I ran as fast as I can to the next best spaceship I could find. By now the whole wound was torn open and bleeding so profusely that my arm was completely red. Immediately I entered the coordinates for courescant and luckily I was there in only 10 standard minutes. At a landing platform I landed rather ungently and 'borrowed' a speeder, which unfortunately only led to the fact that the police now tried to stop me with blue lights. I didn't pay any attention to them and flew at full speed through the streets of courescant, quite often almost causing an accident, which was partly due to the fact that my vision was slowly blurring and I had to fight against the approaching fainting. Finally, the senate building came into view and I could only hope that she was in her chambers. Fortunately, I knew where her chambers were and that she had a balcony, so I wouldn't have to run through the whole building, so I headed for that balcony, the police still behind me, slowed down just before the building, turned the speeder and jumped towards the balcony. Unfortunately, the balcony was locked, so I couldn't catch myself and flew through the glass pane, which shattered into a million tiny splinters.

I rolled across the hard floor, glass shards digging into my skin, and ended up lying on my side. I no longer felt anything and heard everything only muffled. Some female, familiar voice, came closer and talked to me in panic. Padme...it was Padme.... "Obi Wan..." I whispered so softly that I wasn't sure if she heard me. But the voice paused for a moment, so she must have heard me. "Must talk to Obi Wan....," I whispered before unconsciousness took me.

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