they came back

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We followed Harvey's trail to a large clearing with a small lake in the middle. On the shore of the lake a huge tree stretched its crown of leaves into the sky and cast shadows over the entire clearing. At the foot of the tree sat a collapsed and bound Barry.
He was probably unconscious, but I checked the surroundings first before giving the signal that we could go to him. Harvey had to be close by so I focused all my attention on our surroundings as we made our way step by step to the center of the clearing.
Finally arriving at Barry I crouched down in front of him while Tanja had our backs.
"Barry! Barry do you hear me?"
I gently slapped his cheek with the flat of my hand and slowly he opened his eyes.
Briefly he coughed and I took the knife I had given him from my belt and cut his bonds.
"Trap..." he whispered hoarsely and I looked him in the face, but I did not stop cutting the ropes. "I know", I muttered back and hurried to cut the last ropes as well. Finally I had freed him when Tanja came to me and put a hand on my shoulder. While I helped Barry up, I looked over my shoulder at the Miraluka. "Someone is coming toward us.... But it's not Harvey." I looked around, but I couldn't see anything, but I sensed the same thing Tanja did. Only that I knew what beings they were and why they were here.
"Our test", I gritted my teeth. "You can't do the test if one of us wants us dead, can you?" the reproach sounded clear from Barry's voice, but we didn't have time for that now.
"Come on, we have to get out of here." I was about to take a step toward the jungle when a blast of power caught me and I was thrown backward with Barry. The air was forced from my lungs and I gasped for the oxygen I so desperately needed. Finally my lungs started working again and I got up. In front of me stood Harvey who was involved in a fight against Tanja who was doing well but despite that the fight was unbalanced. But now I had to take care of the three Trandoshans who were our test and now stepped out of the undergrowth of the jungle. I stepped towards them ready to fight, even though my shoulder hurts like hell again and my stab wound on my ribs hurt again.
I blanked out the pain and went into a half-guard stance. Already they started shooting at me and I sprinted towards them.
I felt like I did back then. When everything was still all right. When there was only black and white in this war. When I could still trust in my friends. But I missed the carefree times with my master the most. Laughing with him, teasing him and being there for each other in good times and bad. I remembered every time I saved his life and he tried to explain to me that he had everything under control although it was clear to both of us that this was not the case.
I fought with all my strength to bring the uncertain future that lay ahead of me closer to those times again and to be able to fight by his side once more.
But the small excursion into the past let me become inattentive and when the shot was released I knew: I had made a mistake.

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