the new order of the council

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The closer we got to the temple, the more nervous I became, which Master Kenobi seemed to sense. "You don't have to worry, Anakin is on a mission," that made me breathe a little easier, but sooner or later I would have to face him.

Anakin's PoV

"Come on, everyone out of the building!!! It's going to explode!" came through the comlink and I cursed. I was standing in that very building fighting two droidekas, which barely stopped the fire for a second, so I backed away as fast as I could to the nearest window. For a moment I was inattentive and got a graze on my arm, but then I just turned my back on the droidekas and jumped through the window. Not a second too late because at that very second the building burst into flames in a huge explosion. The heat scorched my clothes and I had to cough because it felt like the air was on fire. Maybe it was....

Dazed, I hit the ground and rolled a few more feet, luckily extinguishing the flames that had eaten into my clothes. The constant beeping in my ears gave me a headache and I could only hope that the tinnitus would soon disappear. I pushed myself up with a groan and the sounds around me came through to me again. Someone came running to me and supported me, but he was talking too quietly for me to understand through the tinnitus, but I could tell by the color of his armor that it was Rex who was supporting me and leading me off the battlefield. Apparently the battle was won, otherwise he would not take me straight back to the shuttle which now took me to our camp.

During the flight I must have fallen unconscious, because I was awakened by two voices unknown to me. "He has a harmless graze, a smooth penetrating shot on the abdomen, which didn't hit any organs, and first degree burns and a few cables of the mechanical hand are burned through. Give him 100ml of epinephrine and he should be back on his feet," said a voice that probably belonged to one of the doctors in the larcarett and a second voice agreed. Carefully I opened my eyes and looked at a clone who now came to me, nodded briefly and then injected something into my arm, probably the adrenaline. I held still until he finished and then sat up. My stomach was bandaged and so was my arm, but what upset me now was that I could barely move my right hand. As the doctor had said, a few cables had burned through and so I couldn't fight, let alone hold my lightsaber. So I got up and left the larcarett. Then I went in search of the workshop and found it pretty quickly. I greeted the clones who were busy repairing what looked like the engine of a shuttle or various weapons. Then I sat down at one of the makeshift tables, picked up a screwdriver and started replacing the wires and cables in a makeshift fashion.

"Well, General, back on your feet?" greeted Rex as I was just turning in the last screw. "Of course, Rex, I can't very well leave you alone," I grinned up at him and tested the mobility of my hand by opening and closing it, then put the screwdriver aside. "Thanks for getting me out of there," I stood up and Rex nodded. "That's my job, General." Together we walked to the largest tent in the middle of the camp, that's where the mission briefings were held. "I was looking for you because the jedi council contacted us and wants to talk to you, General," I sighed in frustration. "Alright, I'll be right back," I said and disappeared into the tent. I immediately went to the holoprojector and started the connection. "You wanted to see me," I greeted the jedi masters. Master Yoda nodded thoughtfully. "We wanted to, young Skywalker. An important decision we have made. Your mission is now complete and return to the jedi temple you will." I heaved another sigh. "Yes, master." With that the connection was broken and I went out to give the 501st guys instructions on how to dismantle the camp.

A day later I was back in the jedi temple or rather, the jedi council chamber. "Master Skywalker, we have made a decision that we feel is the best course of action for you before you continue to put yourself in danger," Master Windu opened the conversation, but I just raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You will be banned from missions until further notice and we have also decided to assign you a new padawan."
Briefly, I was too shocked to answer anything. "What! I'm not taking a new padawan! No one will take Ahsoka's place!", I growled, looking challengingly at the jedi master. "It's for your own good and you've already proven with Ahsoka that you're up to the responsibility," Mace Windu simply replied. I shook my head. "You can't do that."
"There will be a simulation test. Five younglings will participate and you can look at their strengths and weaknesses and choose your padawan," now I turned to Obi Wan who had just spoken. Even that could not change my mind, but they had already decided. I simply turned and stormed out of the hall.
How dare they want to give Ahsoka's place to an inexperienced youngling? My anger threatened to overwhelm me but I fought it down and tried to calm myself.
I just kept running until Obi Wan had caught up to me and was now running beside me. "Anakin, I think this is a good idea to.... forget about her, maybe your new padawan is even more like her than you think," I just shook my head, but there was one thing I could do.... maybe...
"No one is like Ahsoka and you know that as well as I do.... If... if I absolutely have to attend this test, then I at least want to decide in which simulation the younglings will be tested," I now demanded of my former master and he thought for a moment before agreeing.
Even after I had said goodbye to Obi Wan for a long time, I thought about it and of course which test the younglings had to undergo. I began to grin when I finally remembered how I would test them. A test that hardly anyone could pass, one that only an experienced padawan had passed.
After Ahsoka had returned to me when she was kidnapped by trophy hunters, she had come to me in the middle of the night, plagued by nightmares and told me the whole story. How she had lost one of the younglings, how she had fled from the Trandoshans through the jungle and had to hide, how they had attacked the main ship and hunted down the leader of the trophy hunters. And all that with no weapons, no lightsaber, just their bare hands, their training and their keen minds.
No youngling with mere ground training would be able to do that.

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