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All alone I wandered in the jungle, everything around me was dark and I could just see my hand in front of my eyes, because the dense fog swallowed almost everything.
The few steps I took were so loud that they echoed on the overgrown jungle floor and my heart pounded as if it wanted to jump out of my chest. The screams of wild animals jumped at me from all sides, until suddenly....
A human scream!
I parted the fog and rushed in the direction from which the scream had come.
A leap of force and...
I found myself at the very fork of the branch. Khalifa was leaning slumped against one of the branches, holding her blood-covered stomach. She was breathing heavily and alone.
As fast as I could I jumped from one branch to the other to land with her. At her side I knelt in front of her and reached out to her. "Kalifa..." at that moment her gaze would go blank and her head slumped forward onto her chest. I could do nothing but look at her in shock.
Breathing became harder and harder and I felt like I couldn't breathe. As if an invisible weight was pressing on my chest and crushing my lungs. I wanted to take a deep breath to fill them with oxygen again, but all I could get out was a gasp. I really couldn't breathe and someone lifted me with the help of the force so that I was now standing and trying to grab my neck to loosen the grip I couldn't get a hold of.
"Ahsoka Tano..." the voice didn't sound very familiar and yet I knew who it belonged to as Harvey stepped out of the mist with one hand outstretched and in the other a short knife he held at waist level to ram it right between my ribs and into my heart.
I only got out another gasp and my vision gradually blurred. Then, without warning the blade sped towards me and against my instincts I took my hands off my neck and grasped Harvey's hand and thus the knife handle. The tip of the blade was only a few inches into my skin but the pain was enough to jolt me awake.
When I opened my eyes I saw only the distorted face of the Anzati in front of me who was trying with all his might to plunge the blade into my heart. We were no longer in the middle of the jungle but back in the cave which only reinforced my belief that Kalifa was only a dream. But Harvey was quite real and it seemed he had decided that it would be easier to eliminate me since I was a threat to him.
I groaned in pain as my shoulder slowly gave way and ached, as did the blade in my body.
With a kick to the stomach I was able to fling him against the opposite wall waking the other two younglings.
"What's going on?" Barry rubbed his eyes tiredly while I jumped up, got into a half-guard stance and didn't take my eyes off Harvey.
"He wants to get rid of her." Tanja muttered who seemed to sense his hostile intentions through the force.
Now Barry too, looked at the Anzati warily. "Get out of here." I growled at Harvey but he didn't think of it and charged at me with his knife raised. I dodged to the side so that he sailed past me then grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back so that he had to let go of the knife.
Without letting my weakness and pain show I pushed the traitor towards the exit and finally out of the cave where I let him go. He just managed to catch himself with his hands before he would have hit his face on one of the branches.
"Get out of here!" I growled again and now Harvey looked up at me with a hatred in his eyes that almost made me stiffen. Why did he hate me so much? Was it really about becoming Master Skywalker's padawan? Or was it something else?
Before I could ask him he had already picked himself up and disappeared into the thicket.
Barry appeared behind me and put a hand on my shoulder but this touch was enough to make me wince in pain. Immediately Barry took his hand off my shoulder and looked first at me and then at his now bloodied hand in fright. "He got you!" I just shrugged my uninjured shoulder and went back into the cave. There Tanja stood calmly, with the mask in her hand. Despite the cloth covering her eyes, her human and beautiful features could be clearly seen. "You smell like blood", she stated neutrally and I sighed. "I know, I'll take care of it." On one of the stones lay a dirty and almost overgrown cloth which I tapped out as best I could and put it in my weapon belt. "We should get out of here", with this words I took only the knife still lying on the floor where Harvey had dropped it. I threw the knife to Barry who put it safely away then I went to the exit of the cave and turned to Tanja as I walked. "Can you sense Harvey when he's around?" the two younglings followed me without argument. "Yes", was the simple answer and I accepted it with a nod before leading the younglings to the next hiding place, pushing aside my fear that something was wrong and focusing on the present before I lost too much blood and lost consciousness in the middle of the jungle. I was aware that I would be of no help to anyone if I bled to death here and even less did I want to do that to my former master.

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