Obi Wan

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I was torn from the blackness of unconsciousness by whispering voices. Slowly I sat up in the large bed and looked down at my aching body. My shoulder was bandaged and I had bandages or huge band-aids all over my body.
That's what came out of messing with Maul.
I sighed and braced myself.
My eyes went black for a moment, but I struggled to the door, which was only ajar and opened it a little further. Already the whispering voices fell silent and I looked into the astonished faces of Padme and Obi Wan. Exhausted, I leaned against the door frame, while Padme anxiously came up to me and supported me on the way to the couch. Obi Wan followed us silently and sat down across from me and Padme.
"Ahsoka, it's good to see you. What happened and why did you want to see me?" he asked, concerned and thoughtful. I sighed exhaustedly and tried to block out the pain. Then I began to tell him everything, starting with the club where I got the information about Mandalor and Maul and my duel with the sith.
When I had finished he looked to the ground. I could clearly feel his still lingering sadness over Satine's death. But also a relief and surprise that Maul was now dead.
"This is good news that Maul is defeated, but why did you come here instead of coming to the temple to tell us about it?" Obi Wan seemed visibly confused, but how was I to explain this to him. I gave Padme a sideways glance and she seemed to understand and took her leave with the excuse of having to go to a meeting. She wished me a speedy recovery and I had to promise to visit her again soon before she left me alone with the older jedi.
"Master Kenobi... I-" I lowered my eyes. "..I didn't come to the temple because...because I couldn't face Anakin after everything, I..." I faltered, trying to sort out my thoughts, but Obi Wan interrupted me by putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I understand that, but..." he seemed to be searching for the right words until he gave me a pained look and spoke up again. "We're all worried about Anakin. He hasn't been himself since you left the Order. Rex does his best to get him out of the trickiest situations, but..." the jedi in front of me sighed in frustration. "He's never been in sickbay as much as he has lately."
I lowered my eyes, but I couldn't hide my concern from Obi Wan. "Ahsoka, Anakin needs you. You should visit him at least once." Asking and also a little desperate, he looked at me and I pressed my lips together.
I missed him, there was no doubt about that, but....
"I... am sorry, Master Kenobi, but... I don't think it would be a good idea..."
Obi Wan looked out the window dejectedly.  "There's another problem, and I don't think you'll like it." Apologetically, he looked at me. "The council is debating giving Anakin a new padawan, for that several younglings will probably be pitted against each other in a simulation."
Briefly, I was too shocked to answer, because.... it hurt to know that someone else would fight at his side, that he would replace me but.... "How will you get Anakin to take a new padawan?"
"He will have to attend the simulation test, but knowing him, he will strongly resist accepting a new padawan." I nodded thoughtfully. I suspected as much, but then an idea crept into my head and I could only hope that the council would allow it, so I explained my plan to Obi Wan first.

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