manipulated system

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At first I didn't notice that something was wrong because my eyes were almost closed but then I saw it on one of the cameras that transferred the recorded video to the screens of my computers. Something was happening at the entrance to the cave but I had to transfer the video transmission to the holoprojector and zoom in to see it. The trogruta which according to our database was named Ash was standing in front of the cave entrance with its profile facing me. In front of it the Anzati which was named Harvey was lying at its feet and getting up. Ash had gone into fighting stance and the Anzati stared at her hatefully before the young trogruta growled something that was not transmitted by the cameras and Harvey reluctantly disappeared into the thicket of the jungle.
Before I could wonder about this scene, Barry the human in this group came out of the cave and put a hand on the trogruta's shoulder who flinched in surprise. My face probably had to reflect the same shock that was on Barry's face when he took his hand off her shoulder and single drops of blood dripped from his hand. The Anzati had attacked her. He had hurt her badly.
I could only watch in amazement as she shrugged her uninjured shoulder as if it were nothing and disappeared back into the cave.
If one of the younglings attacked and even injured another, we had to stop the simulation and take Ash to the infirmary.
To put this plan into action, I called Obi Wan who also showed up at headquarters a short time later. After explaining the situation to him, he reluctantly agreed to cancel the test, so I set about shutting down the system.
I was pulling the final lever that would disengage the simulation, when suddenly....

nothing worked... Again I pulled the lever. Again, nothing.
"Anakin, are you sure you know how to shut down the simulation?" asked Obi Wan skeptically, and I snorted nervously. "Of course I know! But it doesn't work! It's like someone has hacked into the system..." the blow hit me all at once. That's why I had this strange feeling all the time! Frustrated, I rubbed my face with both hands.
"I guess we have a problem", again I tried to get into the program, but the only thing that worked was switching cameras or transferring to the holoprojector. "What problem, Anakin?"
Once again I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "The system has been hacked. There's nothing we can do to it now let alone turn it off. I think we have a traitor and I think I know who it is too", my voice resembled a growl as I stared grimly at the camera showing the gray-skinned Anzati in the middle of the jungle.

Ash's PoV:

For what felt like an eternity we had been jumping and running through the dense brush and branches of the jungle. My arm was already covered in blood and hurts like hell. Maybe I shouldn't have suggested this while I was still injured, but.... I was going to fight for my place and I would bleed for making the mistake of leaving him alone. I gritted my teeth and focussed my perception as my vision gradually blurred. My stubbornness and ambition had always been my greatest strength, and it was precisely these that I was now using, fighting my way step by step through the jungle with the other younglings. Finally we reached the hidden shelter and I looked around again, concentrating on the force to see if anyone was around. When I was sure that no one else was around, I followed the others inside. The shelter looked quite similar to the cave, but instead it was made of plants grown together than stone.
"I think I can sew up your injuries," Barry suggested, who had now taken off his mask like Tanja and was showing off his almost childlike features and light brown hair. Only I kept the mask on, knowing what it was actually for. "Thank you, but first I have to clean it." I turned back to the exit of the shelter and spoke over my shoulder to the two. "I'll go get some water, it would be best if you stay here." I had already slipped outside into the jungle before either of the two younglings could protest. Silently I made my way to the nearest stream. Once there I took the dirty rag from my belt and washed it out in the ice cold water. First I washed off the blood which had run down my arm, then I pushed my top so far from my shoulder that I could look at the still heavily bleeding wound and sighed. If I cleaned it with such a dirty rag I would get blood poisoning very quickly, but then again... what else could I do?
So I started to clean the wound as good as I could with clenched teeth and afterwards I took care of the small stab wound on my ribs, which was deep but not very big so it was nothing I wouldn't be able to handle. Finally I pressed the folded rag onto the deep circular wound in my shoulder and pulled my top over it to stop the bleeding a bit. Carefully as I was getting dizzy I stood back up and slowly made my way to the shelter.
When I was halfway there I heard a branch crack behind me and whirled around but it was nothing there. Nothing could be felt through the force either so I just shook my head at myself and continued on my way.

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