fallen warrior

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I floated in a space between awake and unconscious and let my thoughts circle around only one topic.
Anakin would be disappointed in me if he found me so destroyed because he knew exactly that I had already survived worse. I never wanted to disappoint him. I always wanted to be a good student for him. But what was I now? A battered, desperate homeless woman.
I could do nothing about the tear that was welling up in the corner of my eye and running hot down my cheek. Slowly the numb feeling disappeared from my limbs and the pain returned.
I opened my eyes and stared at the white floor in front of me. I was paralyzed as I saw the dark red liquid which stood out in grotesque contrast to the sterile white and continued to spread around me in a pool. Briefly my vision blurred and cleared again as if readjusting a camera lens.
"Ahsoka!" I looked up at the voice that had called me and despite a blurry outline could make out Anakin standing in the doorway of the training hall and now running toward me.
Before he could reach me I pushed myself up and stood up with shaky legs.
Although black dots danced before my eyes I remained steadfast and waited until he reached me. He stopped an arm's length away from me and examined me with a worried and shaken look. Apparently I looked worse than I thought but the only other thing he said was a whispered, "Snips." Then he pulled me into his arms.
I probably would have enjoyed the hug more if he hadn't squeezed me so hard that I felt the twinge in my chest again and my legs gave out from under me once more in response to the pain. Fortunately he held me tightly and slowly lowered himself to the ground with me.
"Ahsoka! What...?" I couldn't answer him, because at that moment I was seized by a cough so violent that I began to retch but there was a sudden lack of oxygen to do so and I felt a liquid make its way between my lips and flow down my chin and neck. To get my breath back I grabbed my throat convulsively and tried to suck at least a little oxygen into my lungs.
In the meantime the black dots had spread to an ever larger hole which threatened to swallow me. I gave up I just couldn't fight anymore. I had used up all the strength I had. I did not want to fight anymore.
Powerless I took my hand from my neck and the last thing I felt was the warm hand that gripped my now bloodied hand and held it like a rock in the surf.
Then I lost consciousness.

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