Chapter 46

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Haruto POV

"Dude, you gotta be kidding me! Come on!" JeongWoo groaned in frustration, throwing his hands in the air as he sat legs flat on my bed.

"What about this jacket and this shirt?" I ignored his complaint and showed the tenth pair of clothes I had pulled out from my closet. "Never mind, I look like an uncut kimbap in this color." I said, throwing the pair onto the bed and searched for other clothes in my closet.

"Junkyu Hyung wouldn't care what you wear, bro. You could show up naked and he will still take you, anyway." He commented, making me roll my eyes. "Wait, that's actually a great idea! Skip the entrée and straight to the main course!"

I spun around and glared at him. "I need you to be serious, okay? This is important for me and I don't want to blow it off."

"You know what, instead of worrying about your clothes, you should worry more about your hair." Lyn stood up from the bed and walked towards me. "When was the last time you had a haircut?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair when she was close enough.

I shrugged. "Six months ago? Maybe a year?"

"That won't do. What about down there? Did you trim them?" She asked with tangled brows.

"What my pubic hair has anything to do with this date?" I questioned. Lyn narrowed her eyes, telling me in silence that I should answer her no matter what, and I cleared my throat. "I have stopped caring." I answered in shame.

"Oh poor Da Hye, that girl got nothing but amazonian forest." JeongWoo made a not-so-funny remark, which I ignored. Bushes or forests couldn't hide my spectacular tree of life.

"Ok, that's it. Even those stubble needs to be gone." Lyn said as she pointed at my jaws. "What time you should leave?"

"Four, so I can reach Seoul at seven." I replied.

Lyn raised her arm and checked on the watch on her wrist. "We still have four hours. Let's go." She said before she took the shirt in my hand, threw it away onto my bed and grabbed my wrist.

"Wait, where are we going? The fashion show is over?" JeongWoo asked as he jumped off the bed, following Lyn who was dragging me out from my bedroom.

"Get ourselves pampered, Darling." Lyn wriggled her brows with a smug face. "And get our prince charming back."

"Our? I thought I'm your prince charming." JeongWoo commented, earning a scary wife glare from Lyn.

And just like that, Lyn dragged me to a mall in Iksan, and the first stop we came to visit was a place that offers body hair grooming for men. I wasn't sure what I've gotten myself into until I laid down naked on a massage style bed and the beautician came, telling me he's going to do boyzilian wax, the equivalent of brazilian wax for women, on me as per requested by Lyn.

Fucking hell! I took a mental note to stay ten feet away from any kind of body hair grooming studio in the future. It was painful as fuck! My balls felt like they're being pushed and pulled and stretched, while being scorched and peeled to no ends. I wanted to curse out loud but was ashamed I couldn't handle such pain.

Though after the treatment was done, I felt like I came back to being a baby at how clean, smooth and soft my skin was down there. I couldn't stop rubbing myself to feel my free skin, as weird as it sounds. But still, I will never come back for a boyzilian!

The next place Lyn took me in was an all in one beauty salon and spa. Again, I wasn't sure what spa had anything to do with my date with Junkyu Hyung, but Lyn gave me no chance to say anything. Though I'm not complaining as I enjoy a good massage and spa, and Junkyu Hyung and I went for spas together back then.

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