Chapter 1

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Jon was never mad that he didn't get a solo song, he was never mad that he wasn't front and center in any of the dances, and he was never mad that he wasn't as popular as any of his other band mates. The anxiety he faced on a day to day basis probably wouldn't have allowed it anyway.

However, even if he wasn't mad, it didn't come as a surprise to any of his band mates, when he decided to leave, to pursue his own interests: Real estate, restoration, and taking care of animals.

That's what Jon had told everyone he was going to do at least, and it wasn't exactly a lie, since that's what he would be doing... just with someone else.

What none of his band mates knew, and honestly he was surprised he had been able to keep it a secret for so long, especially from his own brother, Jordan, was that Jon was gay. He had been his whole life. He had never liked girls. All the times he had said he had kissed someone or who he had a crush on or what kind of girl was his type, he had lied.

He was into guys. He always had been. Letting that secret get out however, he knew would be the end of his career, and most likely the end of his friends careers. That was something he definitely couldn't let happen.

It hurt, deep down. He wanted to tell everyone. Every time someone asked if there were any girls he found cute. Any time any of the interviewers asked if they were single. He wanted to let them know. But he knew he couldn't. It ate him up inside.

What made it even harder, was when he actually met someone that he genuinely liked, that he asked out on a date, and had to hide it. Everyone else could brag about how fun their dates were and could show off their partners, and he was made fun of for never having one, even though that wasn't the case.

During one of the rare times he wasn't on tour, he had just gotten coffee, and had a hat and sunglasses on, as well as walking with his head down, so he wouldn't be recognized by any fan girls, but because of this, he had round up running right into his future boyfriend, Harley Rodriguez, spilling his hot coffee all over him.

The two hit it off immediately, and once the press started taking pictures of them out in public together, even though Jon insisted they were just friends, he felt like they were getting to close to figuring out the truth.

So, doing what he thought was best, he packed his stuff and moved out to a smaller farmhouse on a countryside with Harley, told his band mates he was leaving due to his anxiety, and told the press he was leaving due to a back injury from falling off a horse.

Everything finally seemed to be going his way. That was, until one evening, his phone went off with a notification that would change his life forever.

'Hey Jonathan. It's Vanessa...'

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