Chapter 16

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"What? Your actually gonna go? Last time you saw the guys, it didn't end well. And I just don't want to see you hurt again." Vanessa said.

And there it was again. The subtle, yet blatantly obvious, flirting. Not even a minute after they had woken up.

"I won't be hurt. This is my decision, and yes I feel like I need to go, as stupid as it might be." Jon countered.

"Alright. Your choice. I just don't know if it's the best idea."

Jon sat up. His nerves already seemed to be getting the better of him.

"I don't need your advice, Vanessa. I'm a grown man. And I'm gonna do what I think is best."

An audible sigh left the young woman's mouth. The more time they spent together, the testier Jon seemed to get.

"Fine. But don't come crawling to me when it doesn't work out well." She said

"I won't. I already have a perfect plan in mind."


It wasn't long before they were on the road again. Something Jon had become accustomed too at this point. Being on the road. A lot. Being on a plane. A lot. But, honestly, he had grown to like it. It was like the calm before the storm for him.

Although, that calm had been ruined as soon as Vanessa said she was going to come.

He hadn't argued though. There wasn't even a point anymore. No matter what he said or did, she wasn't going to give into him.

They were driving along a Highway, One of Jonathan's hands was on the steering wheel, the other was holding the gear shift in the middle of the car, even though it was an automatic car, it was a good place to put it where she wouldn't try to grab his hand. The faint song of an old rock song playing in the background could be heard.

"What if they already told people you quit?"

"What if you mess up?"

"I thought you told me you didn't like performing."

"You seem mad at me."

That was the only sound Jon couldn't stand heading right now. Vanessa's obsession with asking questions, that almost everyone knew the answer too. well, except for her, obviously, since she was the one asking, in his opinion, the asinine and completely stupid questions.

He avoided talking as much as could, which only made her push harder.

"Come on, Jon. I've told you everything. So why can't you tell me what changed your mind about going to the concert?"

He didn't know what it was. Maybe it was the nerves he was feeling for what he was about to do, or maybe it was the stress of having to keep this secret from her, or maybe it really was just anger, but something inside of him snapped.

"Can you just shut up for 5 seconds?! I told you I didn't want to tell you! You haven't left me alone since we woke up this morning! I don't wanna talk about it!"

It was almost  as if it was perfect timing. Because as soon as he finished yelling, he pulled up to the arena the concert was being held at, turned the car off, put some sunglasses and a hoodie on, then got out, not even giving her time to respond.

Vanessa sat there in silence. He had seemed so cool and calm on the outside. What had happened? It could'nt have been all her, right?

She got out of the car and followed Jon into the arena, coming up behind him and grabbing onto his hand.

"Really?" Jon said, his voice barely above a whisper. He made sure everyone was out of the dressing room, before he went in and grabbed his clothes.

"Yes really. You were upset and it seemed like you could use some company." She said, letting go of his hand and watching as he grabbed all of his clothes then walked right back out.

"What are you doing? Are you scared of seeing them?" Vanessa questioned, following Jon to the bathroom where he began changing into the first outfit of the night.

"Scared of seeing them? Not at all. I just don't want them to know that I'm here." The shirt that Jon had had on before, was flung over the top of the stall that he was currently changing in.

"Why not? With now mad they were, don't you think it's be good if they knew you were here and that you cared?"

Jon scoffed under his breath, his pants also being flung over the top of the stall before he walked out in the concert outfit.

"I don't care if they think I care or not. That's not why I'm going." He said, applying some light make up. He wasn't the best at it, but after being on stage for the past few years, he had picked up a skill or two, so his face wouodnt look extremely pale under the lights.

"Welll... you still haven't told me why you even came. So how am I supposed to know?" She asked, her voice quiet and timid for the first time that Jon had met her.

"You'll see." He said, grabbing onto her hand, a move he knew he shouldn't have done, but after yelling at her, he felt bad and didn't feel like he had another choice, then walked out into the hall, keeping his head down to avoid being spotted.

Vanessa followed him, although she had no idea what was going on. "Fine. I guess I will." She said in an exasperated tone, interlacing her fingers with Jon's.

He waited for the sound of screaming fans, and checked his watch. It had started.

He pulled Vanessa back stage and watched the rest of the band from behind.

"Sorry, everyone. But Jon won't be here today. Again. He has other priorities" Jordan said, into the mic, only to turn around when he heard the crowd erupt in applause.

Jon went over and grabbed the mic out of Jordan's hand then smiled. "Hey everyone! How are you doing tonight?"

Another eruption of cheers and applause.

Jon smiled. "That's good to hear. I just have one thing to say before the concert starts.."

Jon paused and turned around to look at his band mates, only to be met with faces of annoyance, disapproval, anger.

He let out an audible deep breath. "I'm.. quitting the band. It can still be the New Kids on the Block without me, but this just isn't for me anymore. I'm sorry."

Jonathan set the mic back into his brothers hands before walking off the stage.

The whole venue was so quiet, someone could've heard a pin drop.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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