Chapter 7

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"No one! It was no one!" Jon shouted, much too loud and agressive for such a simple question question. He knew that would make it even more suspicious. But, so far, he didn't even know how he was going to deal with things himself. He didn't wanna get Harley involved until he was certain about... whatever was going to happen.

"Doesn't sound like 'no one', but if you don't want to tell me, that's fine. I respect your privacy." Harley said. Both of them knew full well they had already made a 'no lying or hiding things under any circumstances' pact in their marriage, but it wasn't worth it to him to fight Jon over this.

"It was no one. Really, babe. I'm not lying to you. It was just a wrong number." Jon said. Maybe Harley hadn't heard that much of it and had just come in on the tail end of the conversation, making Jon look like an idiot for being so nervous.

Harley hesitated for a minute, debating whether or not to believe Jon. He loved the guy, really. And Jon had never lied to him before. But come on, it was so obvious that his husband was lying to him now. He hadn't heard enough of the phone call to even understand what was going, but how defensive and agressive Jon got, almost perfectly framed the fact that he was lying.

"Alright. I believe you." Harley said, deciding not to push it any further.

Jon sighed, as he leaned back against the counter and tapped his fingers against it. He felt bad for how he was treating the man he loved, but it was for the best. No one needed to get caught up in this mess.

"Thank you." Jon said, before going and setting his hand on Harley's lower back as he pulled him in for a kiss


Jon looked at himself in the mirror again, as he re-brushed through his hair for what felt like the 1,000 time of the day.

Why was he so worried about looking nice? It's not like he needed to make an impression on Vanessa, and he knew his... daughter... wasn't going to be there. So who did he even care about impressing? It just felt right, for some reason. He felt like he had to look right.

Eventually, he decided enough was enough, and his hair wasn't going to get any better than it was. He looked at himself in the mirror, again, before grabbing his keys and walking out to his truck.

He drove in silence, even feeling like something as simple as the radio was going to set him off right now. He had no idea what to expect. Him and Vanessa hadn't ended things on good terms, and he had just missed the first 5 years of his supposable child's life without trying to contact or get in touch with his 'ex' at all.

Why did everything have to be so complicated? How was she sure it wasn't Jordan's? Him and his brother did look a lot alike anyways, and he always thought that Vanessa and Jordan had been a little too close for just being 'friends'.... It's not like Jon cared. Nor did he ever bring it up. It was easier not too.

He checked himself one last time in the rearview mirror, before getting out and going inside. He checked his watch 11:57 am. Perfect. He wasn't late, but he wasn't desperately early either. He told the hostess that he was with Vanessa, and she led him over to the table Vanessa was already sitting at.

"Wow. You actually bothered to show up. I'm surprised. I figured you would've just chickened out." The brown haired girl remarked sarcastically as she set the menu down to look Jon in the eyes.

The two looked almost exactly the same as they did 6 years ago. It was almost as if no time had passed, even though for Jonathan, it felt like an eternity.

"Of course I showed up. This is important to me." He said as he pulled his chair out and took a seat, his fingers playing nervously with each other.

"I wouldn't have known. Seeing as how you've been gone for 6 years."

Jon didn't answer. He just let the snide remarks and comments run off his shoulder. He knew she was going to mad, and she had a reason to be, especially if what she was saying was true.

"Look, i'm sorry, okay? There's never going to be enough apologies I can say that would make up for what I've done." He paused for a minute.

"So... it's my daughter, huh? What's her name? What does she look like?"

Vanessa was shocked. She had honestly expected Jon just to come and deny that it was his. She was impressed.

"Her name is Bailey..." she pulled her phone out of her pocket and pulled a picture up of her daughter and slid it over to Jon. "That's what she looks like."

Jon took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare himself. Somehow, he felt like this would either confirm or deny the fact that this little girl was his daughter.

He slowly looked down to look at her phone, and tears appeared in his eyes when he did. Looking back at him through the picture, was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her eyes were the same green color that his were. Her hair was a dark brown, a mix between his and Vanessa's. She had the same nose as Vanessa, but the rest of her facial features resembled Jon in an undeniable way. He knew he'd have to admit it. This was his daughter. His head was racing with a million thoughts, as he turned to look at Vanessa.

"When can I meet her?"

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now