Chapter 15

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Jon bought some snacks that he claimed the two of them were going to share, even though he knew full well he was just going to let Bailey have most, if not all of it.

He didn't feel like he could eat anything right now anyway. Anything he did eat, probably would just come right back up anyways. He may be coming off as cool, and as if he knew what he was doing, but he felt like he hadn't taken a breath since he had first seen the little girl.

The two took their seats, her eyes fixing on the trailers for upcoming movies, which gave Jon just enough time to check his phone. Nothing from Harley, although he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing at this point.

There was a text from Vanessa, asking how things were going, which didn't surprise him too much.

A quick 'good', was all she got in response though. It's not like there was much else to say. Jon had barely picked her up, and besides some light, in his opinion kind of awkward, conversation, nothing had happened.

"Come on, it's starting." A voice interrupted, as he felt a little hand gently shake his arm. It took him a few seconds to process that it was Bailey, but once he did, he smiled a little.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Your mothers just worried about you." He said, making sure his phone was on silent before putting it into his back pocket, making sure he wouldn't be tempted to look at it again.

The movie was alright. Not his choice, but if this was how it was going to be, if she was going to be around, he'd definitely need to get used to watching a lot more princess movies than he ever thought he would in his entire life. If that was the only price to pay though to have a girl as sweet as her, he could make that change in his life.

"Thanks for taking me. Mommy kept saying that you wouldn't be very nice and that you'd probably yell or forget about me." She looked up at him for a few seconds before leaning over the cup holder to rest her head against his shoulder. "It doesn't seem like your like that at all."

Jon paused for a minute. Hadn't Vanessa said it took Bailey a long time to warm up to people? It had only been a few hours and she was already apparently close to him. Either Vanessa had been lying and Bailey hadn't inherited his shyness, or his daughter felt that same bond, that some conncection to him, that he had felt to her.

"Well..." he said, trying to start off a sentence, but couldn't find any words to say. It didn't matter anyway, by the time he checked, the little girl had fallen asleep against him, her chest lightly falling with every breath.

She looked so peaceful. So innocent. She had no idea of the cirumatances of why she had come into this world. Why it had taken so long to meet her father. Why her mother had to work 3 jobs to provide for her.

No. She was just a normal kid. A normal, peaceful, sweet, adorable, loving, kid, who deserved better then what she had been given, how she had been treated so far.

He knew he needed to stay in her life. She needed a father figure. She deserved one. It wasn't her fault that her parents weren't together, and he was going to make sure that didn't stop him from doing everything he could to provide for her and be there for her.

There wasn't going to be anymore hiding. No more lying. Just the truth, and the truth was, as crazy as it mightve been, he had a daughter. One that he now needed to tell the rest of his family about.

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now