Chapter 13

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Jon took Vanessas advice, and did end up getting a hotel for the night. He walked in, letting out an exasperated sigh as he set his stuff down. He hadn't said a word the entire drive home. His eyes were red and puffy from silently crying. The people who we thought would be proud of him, who would best understand him, betrayed in a second.

There was no doubt in his mind that he'd show up to the concert tomorrow. He had too. It was his way of making it up to them.

He fell backwards against the only bed in the room. He knew letting Vanessa check them in was a horrible idea, but he didn't argue with her when she offered to check them in so that he could, in her words, get his rest.

The sound of the shower water shut off, and Jon knew she'd be coming out in any second, and he'd have to deal with her again. Not that it was a bad thing, she was a nice girl, and he was the one who had gotten himself in this situation, but if one more thing happened, he felt like he was gonna flip.

"It would've been much better if you woul'dve joined me." Vanessas voice came from the built in bathroom as she used a towel to dry off her hair.

"Yeah. Sorry. I showered this morning, didn't think I needed to again." He said. Even though she knew that was a blatant lie since she had been with him from the time they had woken up until now.

"Are you feeling any better? Look, I know your hurt, but i'm sure they didn't mean what they said. Their like your brothers Jon. One of them is your brother. They wouldn't say things like that. I think their just worried that your moving on with your life and not taking the band or them with you, I mean you are the oldest and it was bound to happen eventually, wasn't it?"

A mumbled "Yeah i guess so" was all she got from him in response before he pretended to drift into a light sleep in a way to avoid any more conversation.

Vanessa sighed and laid down after changing into some more comfortable clothes, wrapping her arms around him, hoping to bring him some form of comfort, while they both slept through the night.


The sound of an alarm blaring woke the two up the next morning. Jon rolled over on his side and shut it off, rubbing his eyes as he sat up, half debating just going back to sleep. Anyone that knew him, knew he had a high tendency of being late to basically every meeting, function, or event he was supposed to show up.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head. You told me not to let you sleep again." Vanessa said, half startling him.

Her head was nuzzled into his chest, her arms wrapped around his waist. He was surprised she had even stayed the night, although he wasn't sure why he was, but it just felt like no one had stuck around like this before.

Maybe he could get used to this. Maybe he could make this work. Even if he wasn't attracted to her, he could say he loved her and just mean it s a friend, and she cared about him in a way no one ever had before, so maybe they could be together.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry. But guess what? I decided im going to go to the concert tonight."

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now