Chapter 2

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Jon's ears started ringing, his stomach dropped and his heart started beating faster then it ever had before, and that was saying something seeing as how he used to perform in front of thousands of people with a huge stage fright problem.

He knew exactly who the girl was that he'd texted him.

During his time with his former band, the New Kids on the Block, Jon had gotten to know a number of girls, just so the press would happen to run into them, and happen to spread dating rumors about them. Although he claimed he hated it when he was on those said 'dates', that was exactly what he wanted to happen. It kept his true sexuality from coming to light.

Vanessa, the one who had just texted Jon, happened to be one of those girls. She was a nice girl, and Jon didn't mind getting to know her as a friend, but seeing that text, 1,000 thoughts raced through his mind.

-does she want to get back together with me?
-is she still mad about the way we left things?
-did she find out?
-is she gonna tell everyone else?

He opened the text and stared at it for a few seconds, his thumb moving back and forth over it as he tried to decide what the next best move was.

Despite not wanting too, he clicked the number and put the phone up to his ear as it started to dial.

One ring...

Two rings...

Maybe he'd somehow get lucky and she wouldn't answer.

"Hello?" Said a female voice from the other side.

Jon cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his thick, black hair. "H-hey, Vanessa. It's Jon. I just got your text. Is everything alright?"

His Boston accent was laced with nervousness, and his fingers were tapping against the counter. That wasn't the wrong way to start off the conversation.. was it?

Granted, the last time the two of them had spoken, she accused him of cheating when he was on tour, so she would have no idea. He denied it and said he didn't see his fans in that kind of way. Especially since they ranged from as young as 4 or 5, to as old as 40 or 50. To him, they were just his fans. The people that gave him his success. He never imagined himself cheating on anyone with them.

It had turned into a big screaming match, and she left, telling him to never talk to her again. Which he obliged too, since it made it easier to focus on himself and his career anyway.

But here he was. Standing in the dining room of his house. His one hand gripping onto his hair, his other gripping onto the phone that he was holding up to his ear, and everything felt wrong all over again.

He had been so happy since he had gotten with Harley, and since he had moved. He had hoped to be able to leave his past behind, but of course, that was illogical, wasn't it?

"No, nothings wrong. I just have something... really, really serious to talk to you about." She replied. Trying to make it sound like she wasn't kidding, but also trying to do it in a way that wouldn't scare him or make him more nervous than he already was.

"What is it? I-if you wanna get back together... I'm sorry.. but the answers no."

"It's nothing like that, Jon. You might wanna be sitting down for this one."

He shook his head, feeling like if he even took a step to move toward a chair right now, his legs would give out.

"Just tell me." He pleaded, wanting to get whatever she was about to say over with.

There was a long pause on the phone, as if she was thinking about taking back her decision, even though it was way too late for something like that.

The silence was then broken by the sound of her clearing her throat. "You have a daughter, Jon."

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now