Chapter 10

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"She's with my parents right now. If you want, I can let you have her for the night, while I work. It's better than her staying with her grandparents anyway. They spoil her rotten. And, it's not like I think you're a bad person or that you'll be a horrible father... I just... wish things would've been better between us."

Jon looked over at her. That had been flirting, hadn't it? The last thing he wanted was a repeat of what happened between the two of them in the past.

He then slowly shook his head. "That... that won't work. I'm sorry. I can't watch her overnight. I can't let her come to my house. My roommate wouldn't like it, and I'd rather get to know her a little before I have to try and be with her for that long. I'm sorry."

Vanessa paused for a minute, thinking through what he had just said. "Fine. If that's what you want, it's your decision. You just come talk to me, when you're actually ready to step up and be a dad. Not just when it's convenient for you. Because of you, I don't get the luxury of choosing when I can or can not have her at my house, and I'm with her twenty four- seven. Through the good and the bad. So, if you really want to commit, you don't get to pick and choose. Until then, I'll keep her to myself." She paid for her food and stood up after leaving a tip for the waiter on their table.

Jon had screwed up with Vanessa and his daughter once, he didn't want to do it again. "Wait." he exclaimed as he stood up and set his hand on her shoulder, to stop her from leaving. "Wait. I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I wasn't trying to make it seem like I wasn't committed to being a-a... father. Because I am. I'll take her if that's what you really want me to do. I want to be a part of her life Vanessa. I've already missed the first 5 years of my own child's life. I don't want to miss anymore."

Vanessa bit her lip. It wasn't possible for her to stay angry at him. Even if they weren't 'together' like they 'had been' before, she still found him cute, and still thought he was one of the nicest guys she had ever met. "Alright. You can pick her up from my parents. I'll text you the address. I really gotta get going to work though." She pulled him into a quick hug. "I'll see you later."


Jon had already gotten home, and was waiting for the text from Vanessa so he could go and pick Bailey up. Every single notification that went off on his phone, he checked, getting mad several times when he saw it was just instagram, facebook, or game notifications.

He couldn't let anyone else know about this. Not Harley. Not Jordan. Not his friends. Not anyone. It might be a huge secret to keep, but he was doing it, not only for the sake of his marriage, but he also didn't want Bailey to grow up in the spotlight her entire life, because her dad just happened to be one of the New Kids on the Block.

He heard the door open, and he immediately turned his ringer and sound off on his phone, before shoving it into his back pocket.

Jon stood up and walked over to Harley, grabbing the grocery bags he was carrying out of his hands, and just being way too unnecessarily nice. "Hey, Har. How was work? I hope it was good. I had a good time today. Just cleaned up around the house." Jonathan said, with a forced chuckle as he started to put things away.

Harley stepped away from him, being crowded by how close his husband had been to him the last few seconds. "Work was fine, thanks for asking. And... none of the house looks cleaner at all. I'm really gonna have to teach you how to do it properly sometime." Harley teased Jon with a laugh.

Jon let out another forced chuckle. That's how everything felt right now. Forced.

His fingers drummed nervously against the counter, and he took a big deep breath, before he turned around to face Harley again. "Hey, babe. I know you're not gonna wanna hear this.. But I have to sleep at a hotel for the night. It's just for a work thing. I'll be back tomorrow, and I promise to make it up to you." Jon said before going over and grabbing Harley's hand.

It might've been all in his hand, but he swore Harley pulled his hand away, and walked out of the room on purpose. And, it might've been all in his head, when Jon went to try and talk to him, but the door was locked.

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now