Chapter 4

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"It's a really nice place you've got here." Jon said as he stepped into the small, but still quaint and nice apartment that Vanessa owned.

Her apartment revealed a lot about her personality. Something that Jon could use to make conversations with her go easier. She clearly liked her family and friends, since she had pictures of them all over the apartment. He could ask her about them.

There were stacks of books sitting not only on the coffee table, but on the counter as well. Maybe, if he was lucky, he might've read one of the same books she had and they could talk about that.

The paint colors in the apartment seemed to go really well together as well. Showing off the fact that she liked a modern, kind of darker tone. It was black and white with hints and accents of blue and turquoise in things like pillows, pot holders, and pictures she had hanging on the wall that were just meant to add decoration.

What caught Jon's eye the most, was something he didn't think he should be looking at, since it had been hidden in the back corner of a closet, which the door had been cracked open enough for him to make out what was back there. Trophies, medals, and all kinds of awards of what he knew was some kind of sport. He just couldn't tell what it was exactly.

"Thanks. I know it's not the best, but it's good enough for me. Plus, it's just to get me through college anyways. I was planning on moving away after I graduated." She hung her keys up next to her backpack, on a built in coat hanger, that was shoved full of all the things she 'claimed to use on a daily basis,'even though it had more to do with the fact that she either hadn't had the time, or was too lazy to clean it up.

"You wanna move? But isn't it nice just being able to stay in one place? All your family is here. So is your sister. Trust me, I know you don't think you'll get homesick. But you will, and it's really hard. I would just say to think about that before you make a final decision." Jon said, sharing his own personal experience and feelings with her.

"I know, I know. I have thought about that. But, I need independence. I love my parents, but geez, they still treat me like I'm 3 and need everything handed down to me. If I say I'm struggling with money? They'll give it. Spending the night alone? They'll cook dinner and bring it over to me. Plus, the job I want pays much better pretty much in any other place but here." Vanessa explained with a soft laugh.

She went and grabbed something out of her pantry, and Jon immediately knew what it was. A bottle of vodka. He wanted to say he shouldn't be drinking since he had a concert the next day and didn't wanna have a hangover, but he also felt at the same time that it would help. Help relieve his stress and anxiety, help him talk to her, and hopefully even help him sleep, since he knew he wouldn't be able to.

Vanessa then grabbed two shot glasses for both of them, then went and placed one in front of him before opening the bottle and pouring it nearly to the brim of the glass.

Jon smiled a little. "What job do you want anyways?" he asked as he watched her get everything ready for them then bit on his lower lip before picking the glass up.

"I've always wanted to be a detective. Or even a crime scene investigator. My family is worried I'll end up getting killed, but it's a risk I'm willing to take I guess." She said as she poured some alcohol into her own glass then picked it up.

"Well, good luck with that. I'm sure you'll be great. And I highly doubt you'll be murdered."

Vanessa laughed softly. Nothing Jon had said had been that funny, but something not even he had picked up on yet was that she had been flirting with him the entire night. Ever since she first saw him. She didn't invite him back to her house to talk, and she definitely wasn't giving him a drink to loosen him up. No, she wanted him as something way more than a friend.

He should have figured, but he was so desperate to find a friend, one that specifically was a girl, that he could show off to all his friends, and the paparazzi who never seemed to give him a second to himself, that he did in fact have what appeared to be a girlfriend.

Neither one of them knew they were using each other in the worst way possible.

"I'd say good luck to you too, but it looks like you already have things figured out in your life."

Jon snorted under his breath. If only she knew how incorrect that sentence had been.

"I doubt that. But here's a cheers to success for both of us anyways." he said as he lifted his shot glass in the air, and the second after she hit hers against his, he already poured the whole thing into his mouth.. The only noise that broke the silence of the room now, was the sound of Jon coughing as the taste of vodka hit the back of his throat.

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