Chapter 8

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-6 years ago-

Jon woke up with a pounding headache. He didn't remember much from the night before. In fact, he didn't even remember where he was. He looked over at the alarm clock that was sitting on the nightstand. 1:38 pm.

He mentally cursed. Even if he left now, he doubt he would be able to make it to his show on time. He figured they had probably already started to set the stage at this point, and had started to get all the props set up.

It was only once he glanced at the alarm clock, that he noticed the girl laying next to him. She appeared to still be asleep, which was a good thing for Jon, since he would be able to sneak out easily without her knowing.

It wasn't hard for him to put the pieces together. Unfamiliar room. Clear hangover. Laying in bed next to a girl he didn't remember seeing before. Both of them being naked from at least the waist up. It wasn't like he was about to check for the bottom half.

He had slept with this girl. He had just had his first one night stand.

Jon jumped out of bed, completely forgetting about the unfamiliar girl lying next to him. Had he really gotten that drunk? There's no way. He wouldn't let himself do that. He was supposed to be the responsible one. The sensible one. There must be some mistake.

He slipped all his clothes on that had been laying on the floor, of what appeared to be this womans bedroom. He felt sick to his stomach. Was this girl gonna expect a relationship? Should he wake her up and apologize? Or should he run and just hope that they never crossed paths again?

The last option seemed like the easiest thing to do. Even though it clearly wasn't the right thing to do. His stomach dropped when he heard movement over in the bed, and he slowly turned around, hoping he hadn't woken her up, only to see her rubbing her eyes as she sat up in bed.

"Jon, what time is it?" She mumbled as she grabbed her head and closed her eyes. 'Great. At least i'm not the only one with a hangover. Maybe she'll let me leave and say this never should've happened.' Jonathan thought to himself.

"I really enjoyed last night, y'know. Not just the... well..." It seemed like she couldn't even manage to say that they had slept together either. That must be a good sign.

"The sex... but the fact that you opened up to me. It made me feel special. Important. No other guy has ever done something like that before. They all just keep their emotions to themselves. Your different."

Jons heart started racing. She did remember. She remembered everything. Almost making him feel bad about the fact that he didn't. Either she hadn't been as drunk as he had, or she actually cared to remember, which is something he definitely hadn't done.

"Y-yeah... yeah it was great. Really great." His words were quick, and he stammered almost every single one of them.

He couldn't escape without her noticing. Not now. But maybe, just maybe, he would have a good excuse to leave without making things worse than they already were.

"It was great. But, I really gotta get going. I was supposed to leave last night, and if I don't leave right now, I doubt i'll even make it to my next concert in time. It was nice meeting you though."

Jon grabbed his phone from off the floor.

12 missed calls from Jordan.

139 Unread texts

6 missed calls from Donnie.

4 missed calls from Joey.

1 missed call from Danny.

Deep down, he knew they didn't care about him, or his well being, or the fact that he might be hurt. They only cared about the fact that he wasn't there. That he was about to make them look bad since there would only be 4 people out there instead of the usual 5. Or maybe they did, and he was just overthinking it, which is what he seemed to do with everything.

"Can I come with you?" Vanessa asked, as she got up and got her clothes back on before going and grabbing onto his hand.

Jon flinched. It felt unnatural to be standing here next to a girl, who clearly seemed to be into him, when he would never possibly feel the same way. And because he knew he would never feel the same way, he figured there was only one way to make it up to her.

After a moment of pause, his eyes glanced down at her, the slightest hint of a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes. You can come. Go get ready. We're leaving in two minutes."

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now