Chapter 12

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-6 years ago-

It hadn't even been five seconds after Jon walked into the now empty arena, that the questions, and the anger from all of his other bandmates.

"Where were you Jon?!" Donnie shouted, throwing his hands up in the air.

Everyone else had left. The fans, the janitors, everyone. It was empty. It was almost like a ghost town. Except for the echo's of all the overlapping yelling.

"We looked horrible without you! We choreographed for you to be there!" Jordan shouted

Not once did anyone ask, 'are you okay? Did something bad happen?'. No, it was just all how he made them look bad.

"I'm sorry." Jon said softly, wrapping his arms around himself to try and make himself seem smaller.

"I didn't mean to just miss. I really didn't. But, something happened  last night and I just needed some time for myself." Jonathan said softly, under his breath.

"We don't care!" Joey yelled, finally speaking up. "Everyone was expecting you to be out there, and you weren't, and you didn't even give us a notice or a reason! We all need this, Jon! But, it's clear that you don't! You think your too good for us!"

Jordan nodded, in agreement. "Yeah! I thought it would be fun when I asked you to join the band with me! I thought we would be able to bond! But, instead you've put no effort in and haven't cared at all!"

Donnie laughed sarcastically. "You know, we never even wanted you to join the band! You can't sing, you can't dance, your not attractive, and your just annoying to even be around! I tried to convince Jordan not to let you try out! But he begged me to let you! Turns out I was right."

Jordan scoffed. "Yeah, I shouldve listened to Donnie. You never should've been here. You never wanted to be in the first place, so why don't you do us all a favor and just leave?"

Jon bit his lip, doing his best not to try cry, even though it wasn't working at all. Tears started streaming down his face. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out and he stood there with his mouth open.

"Of course you don't care. Of course you don't have anything to say. Just go. Just go, Jon, and don't come back. We're better off without you anyway." Danny said, pushing Jons shoulder to show him it was best to just leave.

It wasn't like Jon was going to just fight him back anyway. Danny weighed probably twice his size in pure muscle.

Without saying anything, he turned and walked out, running into Vanessa on the way.

"It sounded like things didn't go so well in there. I'm so sorry, babe." She said, grabbing onto his hand, leading him back to the car as she kissed him softly on the cheek.

He knew he needed to tell her. This was going to far. She truly liked him, and he just bought into it. He just didn't have the energy to start another argument right now.

Vanessa helped him into the passengers side of the car, deciding he wasn't in any condition to drive, as she gently reached her hand into his back pocket and pulled the keys out of his pocket, before going around and getting into the drivers side of the car.

"Where would you like to go?" She asked, earning an uninterested shrug in return from Jon.

"Let's just get a hotel for the night then, and we can figure things out in the morning." she said, leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.

If by Chance - A Jonathan Knight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now