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"You can do this, Tsukki!" Tadashi cheered for Kei who's trying to walk on his own. Kei almost fell down but he caught himself.

"It's okay, just keep going!" Tadashi encouraged his boyfriend which made Kei smile. Kei tried his best to walk across the room and he managed to succeed.

"Yay! You did it, Tsukki!" Tadashi wrapped his arms around Kei with a smile, Kei doing the same.

"Sorry, I can't help b- but hold on to things."

"It's fine, I'm proud of you."

And right at that moment, Kei started to tear up. Tadashi felt his shoulder wet.

"Tsukki, are you okay?"

"S- sorry... A- are you r- really proud of me..?"

"Of course, Tsukki. You're making progress and I'm proud of it. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you... I love you."

Tadashi blushed, grinning to himself.

"You're adorable. I love you too, Tsukki."


"There we go! Again?"

Kei nodded.

"Alright." Tadashi grabbed and fed Kei a strawberry since Kei would only want to eat strawberries.

"You're doing better, Tsukki!" Tadashi grinned and played with Kei's hair. Kei managed to chew and swallow with ease, making him on cloud 9 once again. Kei knowing he's able to eat with ease made him really happy (can you blame him? he was scared and nervous to eat food bc they made him uncomfortable).

Kei smiled slightly and hugged Tadashi.

"Do you want more?"

Kei shook his head, clenching Tadashi's shirt and reached out to play with Tadashi's hair.

"Okay, guess we're done for today." Tadashi put the strawberries away and returned the hug.

"You did good, Tsukki."

Kei hummed, losing himself in Tadashi's scent and fluffy hair.

"Tsukki, do you wanna watch us practice?"

Kei stayed silent, thinking of an answer.

"Yeah. I- wanna watch you play. You look v- very cool when you serve. And recieve."

Tadashi blushed, smiling like a dork.

"Let's get ready then." Tadashi broke the hug and looked at Kei. Kei had his eyes closed, tired from doing things.

"Tsukki~" Tadashi said softly.

Kei opened his eyes slowly. Realising what Tadashi said, he nodded and Tadashi helped him up.


Kei was only paying attention to Tadashi, he just couldn't take his eyes off of him. Kei would smile everytime Tadashi did something or look at him. Kei can never stop admiring Tadashi, from up-close and afar. 


Kei glanced at Tadashi, a brow raised. Tadashi smiled and ran to him,

"Tsukki, do you wanna try meatbuns?"

Kei thought about it. He hasn't eaten meatbuns in a while, so he might as well give it a try again. Kei nodded which made Tadashi happy.  Kei is trying his best to eat and Tadashi can't appreciate him enough.

"Let's go!" Tadashi held his hand and helped him up, wrapping an arm around Kei to help him walk.

"I feel like I should get used to this by now."

"It's okay, Tsukki. Don't push yourself too much."

"Thank you."

Kei smiled, unable to control his facial muscles.

"Also, did you just speak a sentence without stuttering?"

Kei turned to Tadashi, confused.


"It's alright. You look cute when you smile."

And now Kei is blushing.

"Ehe, you're so adorable!"

"Shut up, Yamaguchi!"

"Sorry, Tsukki!" Tadashi chuckled.

"The both of them seem happy together." Hitoka smiled at the sight as the others nodded in agreement.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi Yamaguchi, Tsukishima!" Shoyo waved with a big smile on his face, chewing on a meatbun. Kei waved to the team and looked down, he feels embarrassed all of a sudden.

"Two meatbuns or one?" Daichi asked Tadashi. Tadashi turned to Kei and asked him the same question.

"I don't know, you choose."

"One meatbun please."


Daichi went back inside the shop and asked for another meatbun.

"We'll share the meatbun." Tadashi smiled at Kei, playing with his ruffled hair.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩. || TsukiYama/KeiDashiWhere stories live. Discover now