Chapter 5

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I follow Gibbs into the familiar elevator and study the light switch. This metal box holds memories of so many feelings and emotions. Then, the ride is over and the door opens with a ping.

I follow Gibbs into the bright orange coloured walls, using my crutch to support my cast on my right foot.

"Ziva!" Jenny smiles and walks toward me.

"Jenny," I breathe out slowly. She carefully wraps her arms around me and I do the same, burying my head in her long ginger hair.

"Glad you're safe." We let go of each other.

"Thanks. Where is the guy you want me to tell you about?" I look around the room.

"Interrogation room 1. McGee and DiNozzo are with him now." and with that me and Jenny follow him into the side of the one way mirror that allows us to see the suspect.

"Marco Lexus." I grit my teeth.

"We know you killed him!" DiNozzo yells at him from the interrogation room.

"I didn't kill him... but I did assist in the assault and torture of your old friend... Ziva David?" He smirks. McGee and DiNozzo storm out of the room to join us.

"Hey Zi," Tony says.

"Hey," I reply not taking my eyes off of the grinning man in front of me.

"Anything Ziva?" Gibbs says behind me.

"Marco Lexus. My fathers puppy, trails him around and does anything he wants him to do. 23 years old, born and raised in Tel Aviv, joined Mossad at age of 18. Mother and father died in car accident, no other family. Married to Casey Lexus. Very easily angered and is sharp with a knife. Passed all physical examinations with flying colours and currently works as one of my fathers bodyguard. Stands in for my father when he's not there to... discipline me. " I stumble over the last bit.

"Is he guilty of murder?" Gibbs probes.

"Give me 10 minutes and the case files and I'll break him." I say still not moving from the glass.

"I'm innocent! Just because you don't have your precious Agent Ziva David doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!" he yells at the mirror.

"Come on, 10 minutes." I plead.

"You've got 10 minutes." Gibbs sighs and I hobble slightly out of the room closing the door behind me holding the case file. I lean my crutches against the wall and examine the files before turning to the door. I put up my barriers, my facial expression immediately turning hard and cold. The pain has now gone and I can walk on my broken leg without limping. My hand reaches out and I open the door.

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