Chapter 11

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I shake nervously and scream in fear. The memories from the dream pulls me into reality as I take deep breaths. I pull myself up into a sitting position and look at my surroundings. Gibbs house. I carefully place my feet onto the hardwood floor and stand up. My body collapses and I lean my head back against the sofa.  I'm nothing without the various medication and pills I take to kickstart my body. I pull up my Mossad barriers and stand up again. I gingerly place one foot in front of the other as I make my way to the kitchen and then the basement door. Gibbs is sitting on a stool facing someone who's back is turned to me. I quietly lean against the door frame and listen intently.

"I love her Gibbs," the person says. It takes a second for me to recognise the voice. Tony.

"And what makes her different from the others DiNozzo?" Gibbs takes a gulp of his bourbon.

"She is just my life, I don't know what I'd do without her. When she went back to Mossad, it was like a part of me was missing." I suddenly realise he's talking about me. "She's beautiful, funny and she understands me unlike any other girl than I have ever met. I want to say that I love her but I don't know how to without hurting her."

"DiNozzo, Ziva has been through hell and back. She has experienced things that only appear in our nightmares. Ziva has been rejected and hurt a lot and I think it might take a while for her to open up again from Mossad." Gibbs says.

"It's unbelievable, Mossad. The way they treat their agents, the way they live and how their mind works." Tony shakes his head.

"Tony," Gibbs says softly l. "Mossad treat their people like machines, they work, they kill,  no regrets. Like clockwork."

"It's not always like that," I step out from the doorframe.

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