Chapter 1

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I hear several gasps before being chucked to the floor, the impact rolling my body across the sand surface.

"Enjoy her," I hear my father say as I hear his car driving off.

"Ziva!" Someone mutters.

Just before I black out, I feel a strong kick from inside my stomach. The kind only made by a baby. Baby. My thoughts echo as my mind shuts down and blackness takes over me.

The heart monitor beats irregularly. I feel cold metal being pressed onto my skin and then off again, the heartbeats joining together to create one long lasting heartbeat. Needles being pricked into my arms.

"Ziva?" Someone whispers into my ear. My brain struggles to function as i try to open my eyes but fail. I squeeze my eyes shut then slowly flicker them open. I make out one blurry person sitting on the side of the hospital bed i've been placed on. I twitch my fingers a bit and start to get the feeling back into my hands and arms. My arms buzz with pain and i fully open my eyes.

"Ziva," the person leans forward and then my vision sharpens. Tony.

"Tony," I mutter. My voice feels like sandpaper. His hand reaches out and rests his hand against my face. I immediately flinch and put my Mossad barriers up, blocking my emotions out, my eyes hardening and my body tensing up. I move my hands and pull myself up the bed into a sitting position.

"Be careful!" He moves his chair forward. I roll my eyes.

"You want to talk about it?" He asks.

"No," I say firmly and rest my head back on the pillow. "Where are we anyway?" I ask.

"Washington. You were unconscious for about the whole trip back." He replies.

"I... I need to talk to Gibbs," I look directly at him for the first time.

"I'll tell him you're awake." He pulls out his phone and stands up.

"Only Gibbs. No one else." I flex my fingers.

"I'll be back soon," He closes the door with a click. I examine my scarred arms. Stitches cover the knife wounds from torture and from my self-harm. My stomach has obviously been cut open again after my father has and then stitched back up against. I shift the covers off my legs to find my right leg in a full cast from my toe to my knee. My left leg is wrapped in a bandage. I close my eyes and pull my left leg up to my chin and rest my forehead against my knee. There's a knock on the door and it swings open.

"Ziver," the familiar voice of my ex-boss becomes louder as his footsteps walk towards me. I jump a little in surprise and look up. Gibbs walks forward and sits against the bed. "How ya feeling?" He asks.

"You really want to ask that question?" I roll my eyes and keep my right leg straight.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He looks at me with piercing blue eyes.

"What is there to talk about?" I ask.

"Your heart stopped beating. Three times. You lost about 3 gallons of blood. Your right leg is broken in 2 places, your left ankle sprained. Both arms covered in various cuts and finger shaped bruises indicating abuse and self-harm. Your stomach... where do i start? Bruises, cuts and there was something else." He lectures.

"What?" I whisper, fully knowing the answer.

"You were 2 months pregnant. They had to abort the baby," He admits.

"I... I... Why did you want to tell me this now?" I shake my head slowly.

"I need to know if it was your choice or not..." He trails off. "I need to know everything that happened in the six months that you were there," I ponder the question for about a minute before taking a shaky breath.

"If i tell you... anything about what happened... my barrier would come down. You would see  the side of me you have never seen before." I confess.

"And what side would that be?"

"The broken side."

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