Chapter 6

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The door swings open and I walk in, slamming the door behind me.

"Zi-Zi-Ziva." he stutters.

"You." I pull out the chair and lean back on it.

"What are you doing here?" he gulps.

"Why do you think you are here?" I smirk.

"Something about this stupid ex-marine that apparently I killed." He rolls his eyes. I slam the heavy file hard on the desk making him almost fall off the chair. I walk around to where he is and put my lips to his ear, my hands on each side of his arms that lay shaking on the table.

"First thing, marines are not stupid and second of all there is no such thing as a ex marine." I whisper freakily into his ear, slowly scaring him. I back away from the man and grab the file. I slap it on my leg repeatedly in a rhythm similar to a heart beat. I walk around the table, like a jaguar going in for the kill. Suddenly, I slam the file and my hands on the table right by his face. He falls off the chair in shock. I sigh loudly and haul him back up on the chair. His body visibly shakes with terror as he looks at me in the eye. My finger slowly trails up his arm and stops at his shoulder just like he did to me but with the knife. My finger then trails up his stomach and I stop right above his heart.

"Why did you do it?" I murmur into his ear.

"He had an affair... With my wife." the once strong and deadly man I knew breaks down into tears.

"Don't cry." I say walking away from him.


"Because it will give you away." I say coldly. He looks at me with regret.

"Finally now I realise what it feels like." he says.

"What feels like?"

"To be tortured." he scans my broken figure with warm eyes.

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